Dude....I'm for reall! And before all the jokes start...YES... I'm a big ol redneck and I own and live on a working farm!
When I got home yesterday We had one of our young pigs out in the big pasture! sucked... I when down to the hog ppins where my 14 year old son already was. I tried to help him and we work and chased that lil SOB for phuckin 30 min and still did not catch him! My legs were pumped hard I felt like crying. i thought I was going to die. She was not going back in. So I put my sonin the other pin and opened the big gate and told him not to let all the others out! they were running every where and he was acting stupid, I was screeeeming and acting like a big ass and dieing from my legs! I thought I was going to have to sit down. I WAS SOOOOOOOO MAD! Anyway we got her up and went back to the house. I looked at my legs they were beet red. I got my tape and they were almost 2 inches bigger! they were tighter than I think the have ever been! It sucked!!!

Well thats life on the farm with WORKINHARD!!!!!!!