In case you haven't tried this:

Was at Six Flags on Saturday in New Jersey, they have one of the Extreme rides there, this one pulls you up in a harness to 150
feet on a cable, then you pull a ripcord and you fly!!!

I am terrified of heights, so I talked my son and daughter into doing this with me. My son is 11, and he was the one who had to pull the ripcord.............

Would'nt ya know it, the minute we get to the top he starts freaking out, saying he doesn't want to do this and wants to get down!!!!

Told him the only way to get down now was to pull that cord............

Little son of a *****'s got balls man, pulled that cord!!

I recommend this to anyone who hasn't tried this, it's awesome.

Went on Nitro too, I love coasters.