While most everyone is out enjoying the holiday, visiting with family and friends, anxiously awaiting the evening's blaze of glory filled with fireworks, I sit in my office alone.

Today, right now, is the day I start writing a book. Hopefully I will finish it within a month. That time frame is extremely short for writing a book.

How I got to this point is I have been doing research, research, research, testing things out, tearing theories apart and then starting all over again. I spent 1 year on a book and threw it in the garbage and started all over again, another 9 months of research and work went onto the pile.

Crossing my fingers, right now, after I post this, I start. I am ready.

Like that first shot nerves well in my stomach, yet as we know after that first push it all begins to flow, and then the weeks go by we look in the mirror and are hard work shows growth and smile on our faces and a confident look in are eyes.

Today is the 4th of July, we are celebrating a freedom that are forefathers fought for and have passed down to us as the most precious gift on earth.

Today, right now, I shall honor it, and express my work in words.

Wish Me Well & Too All Of You Joy

PS-Buy A T-Shirt, lol
And Keiser, spelling is not one of my strongpoints