well it all started out harmlessly enough, sugarbaby asked me to help her with her quantam physics homework. i like to be helpful so i agreed and asked when and where she wanted to study. now im a trusting person but i guess i should have figured something was amiss when she said she wanted to meet in room 1108 at the fourseasons hotel around 11:30 or midnight. i like to be accomodating so i agreed. when i arrived it looked innocent enough, she was laying across the bed wearing high heels and a fitness geared shirt. she asked me if i wanted some champagne and choclate covered strawberries, i told her no thanks i was cutting and watching my carbs. for some reason she was upset, i guess she doesnt like to eat alone. she stood up to throw something at me and tripped on her stilletto and twisted her ankle. so being the knight in shining armour i am i carried her down the hall to the elevator and took her to the hospital. she was in such pain she kept just spouting off and calling me names liek dumbass and thickheaded and she said i couldnt take a hint, i guess i should have eaten the snack huh.