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    Thread: Sam Sulek

    1. #1
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      I've been watching this kid lately. Lots of negative discussion around his diet, but he seems to be making good progress. His diet really is crap, but I don't have any room to talk because mine was crap when I was his age too. Curious to see how his bodybuilding journey will play out.

      I'm not comparing him to Nick at all, but I remember back when I first started seeing Nick making his own videos before he was the Nick Walker of today. I thought the same thing wondering how his bodybuilding journey was going to play out and here he is.
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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

      we all used to do the junk bulk but in our wise years figured out this was not optimal for 99% of the crowd. some guys with excellent genetic can do this successfully like juan morel but this is rare and not the exception. my personal beef with him is that most likely it wont be his diet that kills him or messes him up, it is going to be the excessive amounts of gear. everyone can say that blah blah he isnt running to much etc... but when you see someone's skin react that way that is the body telling you that it is to much. so if the largest organ in your body isnt tolerating it then what's on the inside saying? not going to knock on him, he is a grown ass man making his own choices but i know a lot of us old heads remember all the up and coming going to be the next great thing guys that were young. what happened to them? health issues or death for most. trey brewer comes to mind and a bunch of others i have competed with over the years. one i know personally that destroyed the nationals is on diaaysis and has been for years because they cant find him a kidney. that's the road you travel when you go to hard to long with garbage sprinkled in
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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

      Yeah, he's obviously on a ton of gear. On top of that I remember hearing him say he is taking accutane to control his acne, which ads even more stress to the liver. I can't get over how times have changed so much. Kids these days jump on and just start blasting. It doesn't seem like they have any thought or care of the possible consequences. I remember way back when I first started, there was this "get big or die trying" mindset, but kids these days are taking that to the max. When I first started it seemed like more of a mindset, but now it's their way of life. I know there were guys back then who pushed the envelope, but these days it feels like it's a competition to see who can take the most stuff and get huge. There have been quite a few guys who were supposed to be the next big thing that turned out for the worse.

      I hope he takes care of himself. He seems like a smart kid, aside from his gear dosages.
      Last edited by Yohimbe; 09-30-2023 at 02:05 PM.
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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

      I have been watching hing his vids since he had about 300k subs. Haven't missed 1 vid. Along with the Tren Twins. Sam seems pretty knowledgeable and I wish him th3 best as most all of us do. Not sure what all his gear doses are like but I'd guess pretty high all around. I'm guessing his cut was his 60 day cruise before he jumped bacon his blast/Bulk. All we can do is sit back and hope the kid doesn't guck him self up

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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

      He's gotten quite famous over the past several months. I have to admit, his laid back personality makes his videos fun to watch. Less of a production and more like you're just hanging out with the guy lol. It's a great contrast to some of the other over the top bodybuilding/fitness personalities. He seems like a smart guy, so I just hope he's taking care of himself and watching his health.
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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

      When I was younger my diet was McDonalds dollar menu 30 times a day and I never looked like him lol. Every is shitting on his diet because realistically its about all they can shit on. He is incredibly dedicated and consistent he's just young and learning. He has got some good people in his corner now and he will get better with everything in time and with age. My only hope is that he cleans up his diet, not for the the haters but for his health and hopefully with the people he's with now he will have guidance and be at least halfway responsible with gear. Would hate to see something bad happen to him He's a laid back guy and going to be a monster. I wish him nothing but the best with good health and success.

      He is a refreshing personality in the gym community who isn't constantly talking about how much shit he is taking and all this other nonsense everyone else it because it gets views, the kids eat that shit up. We need more positive role models. He preaches consistency and daily cardio, sure he's on a ton of gear but he never talks about it, its a nice change.
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

      He did a meet and greet in LA and it was nuts. I'm genuinely happy for this kid.

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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

      I was like, “who”?

      Then my 18 year old son told me so I looked him up, which landed me on Reddit. Only Bits and pieces on him but I will take it over some of these guys in the recent past. That being said this fitness influencer shit is such bs.

      Unfortunately ten more years of this and I don’t think we have a nation. Nothing against Sam at all but jeez I don’t have time to wipe my ass let alone watch these things on infinite scroll.

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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

      I actually met him at the Detroit Pro meet and greet. He's a big kid and genuinely nice. Very humble.

      All the guys I meet at the show was nice Big Mike Van wick Seth Force Hunter Lebrada Samson meet Tood Lee there along with Ian V. Only person that might of been a bit cock was Dr Mike

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

      That's awesome. I'd like to meet Seth and Samson one day.

      I've heard that Sam was super nice and very humble. He seems like a great kid, just thrown into the spotlight. I'm curious to see how everything goes for him. I know he's signed with Hostile. I don't know anything about those deals, so I could just be talking circles but I've heard Fouad keeps him on a short leash. Although, he's made videos saying otherwise. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out.
      Train Till Your Eyes Bleed!

    11. #11
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Sam Sulek

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      • Sam Sulek
      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      That's awesome. I'd like to meet Seth and Samson one day.

      I've heard that Sam was super nice and very humble. He seems like a great kid, just thrown into the spotlight. I'm curious to see how everything goes for him. I know he's signed with Hostile. I don't know anything about those deals, so I could just be talking circles but I've heard Fouad keeps him on a short leash. Although, he's made videos saying otherwise. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out.
      i have also seen that about foud and not being able to keep athlete's working for him. a lot of people dont like him at all. i always thought he was a nice dude but have heard lots of bad stuff about him.

      i have met seth a couple of times and trained with him. dude is a freaking riot
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