Is anyone here capable of Lucid dreaming? For those of you who don't know what it is here is a definition:

Lucid dreaming means dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming. "lucid" means something in the lines of mental clarity. Lucidity usually begins in the midst of a dream when the dreamer realizes that the experience is not occurring in physical reality, but is a dream. Often this realization is triggered by the dreamer noticing some impossible or unlikely occurrence in the dream, such as flying or meeting the deceased. Sometimes people become lucid without noticing any particular clue in the dream; they just suddenly realize they are in a dream. A minority of lucid dreams are the result of returning to REM (dreaming) sleep directly from an awakening with unbroken reflective consciousness.

I do this alot, i'll be dreaming and i'll know i'm dreaming and i'll take control of it. Basically once you realize that its a dream, you can do whatever, jump off a cliff or just start flying or whatever, its fun.

But here is the crazy part for me and of course its sexual. When i'm in this "state" I can have sex with any woman in my dream, I just go up to them and start making out with them. The other night I was having one of these lucid dreams and I was at my house and I thought to myself "hey I wanna go next door and have sex with my neighbor". So I walked over ther knocked on the door and did it. The whole time I knew it was just a dream, but its really cool.

Please tell me i'm not the only one who does this???