As an e-bike owner, you will have to do everything in your power to prevent it from being stolen. Experts recommend taking action on several fronts to prevent electric bike theft and make sure you don't end up empty-handed if it's stolen.

1. Lock it up!
First of all, you need to buy a quality lock, and use it all the time when you are not suitable for it.
Check the security level before buying a lock, the higher the security level, the better the lock.
Don't use inferior or cheap locks, flimsy locks can be easily broken by thieves using tools.
Although a quality lock can’t guarantee against thieves, it can protect your fat tire electric bike 1000w to the greatest extent possible.
Using two locks if you can, using two different locking systems will help deter burglars.
We recommend that you use a U-lock and lock to the 1000w mountain bike rack through the frame, use a chain lock or folding lock to lock to the bike rack with the front wheel and frame.

2. Location
When you're not using e-bike, it's safest to keep it in the garage.
If you need lock bike in public, choose a well-lit and busy place. If you can, lock your 1000w e bike to a clearly visible pole/signpost.
Never park an electric bike in a secluded place, it is creating favorable conditions for loss. Thieves prefer secluded places because no one pays attention to their actions.
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3. Install the alarm
Use a bike alarm on your e-bike that will sound when someone approaches. The alarm will alert people and attract people even when there is no one around. Leave thieves no choice but to give up their illegal actions.

4. GPS Tracking
Even with all the precautions you take, it's still possible for a brave thief to steal your e-bike.
When your electric bike is lost, how can you get it back?
Installing a GPS system on your electric bike can help you locate quickly and help you find your bike.
It can be installed hidden in your bottle cage, under the saddle or in the bottom bracket so thieves cannot find it.

5. Insurance
If you are concerned about the financial loss from the theft of your e-bike, purchasing e-bike insurance can reduce your loss. Fortunately, there are now insurance policies made specifically for electric bike insurance.
When choosing bike insurance, check for a policy that covers e-bike theft. There are some insurance companies that define e-bikes as vehicles and even offer separate policies. Be sure to review the policy details to ensure your e-bike complies with the terms of the policy.