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    Thread: school shooting

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      dirtwarrior's Avatar
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      With that new school shooting in Texas. The shooter was an avid RPG player. How much role does RPG have in the rise in shootings.
      I say it has a lot to do with it, My reasons are it makes life have less value and the games are so realistic it is as if you are doing those things for real

    2. #2
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: school shooting

      Man, I disagree. A reasonable person can tell the diff between good and bad and will not perpetrate violence on others regardless. The problem is some people are anti social and hate people. The media shows the face of these people and call them a monster and such. That is what they feel like. 10s of millions of people play violent video games watch violent movies, watch stuff like UFC that is real violence. Studies have shown people who watch UFC are LESS likely to be in a violent crime.

      We are all desensitized to death and violence. Media and social media are far worse than vid games ect. In the 80s they tried to blame music for violence. Did not pan out. Just no correlation. Just because a person played a violent vid game does not mean that is what caused it. Look at his home life...kid never had a chance. His mother is as much to blame as he is.

      BTW I play violent vid games, train fighting, have trained with guns and never have I ever thought about shooting up a school or another person. Hell I have not been in a fistfight outside the ring since highschool. Same with my son.

      We have a lack of morals problem in this country. We are self centered and soft as a whole.

      UFC mixed martial arts fighting events appear to reduce involvement in violent crime
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      Default Re: school shooting

      Here is what bothers me in the school shooting 1: He shot his grandmother , why was he not in jail. 2: he bragged online he was going to shoot the school, he was turned in. 3: The door was propped open ,Why? 4: the police waited 40 minutes outside while this was happening. 5: They had a resource officer where was he?

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      Default Re: school shooting

      This has liberal playbook and cia false flag all over it

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      Default Re: school shooting

      That whole situation is crazy. There are so many things that went wrong and so many things that had to go wrong for it to have ended up as bad as it did. The biggest problem I have is that he supposedly posted this on social media before he did it. How did that fly under the radar? You can't post anything on social media without the censors immediately jumping your ass, but he makes a post laying out what he's going to do and nothings happens? I don't get it.
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      Default Re: school shooting

      Our politicians give Ukraine $40 billion of taxpayer dollars to protect themselves but leave American children completely helpless. Easier to push gun control as long as the schools keep getting shot up.

    7. #7
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      Default Re: school shooting

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Man, I disagree. A reasonable person can tell the diff between good and bad and will not perpetrate violence on others regardless. The problem is some people are anti social and hate people. The media shows the face of these people and call them a monster and such. That is what they feel like. 10s of millions of people play violent video games watch violent movies, watch stuff like UFC that is real violence. Studies have shown people who watch UFC are LESS likely to be in a violent crime.

      We are all desensitized to death and violence. Media and social media are far worse than vid games ect. In the 80s they tried to blame music for violence. Did not pan out. Just no correlation. Just because a person played a violent vid game does not mean that is what caused it. Look at his home life...kid never had a chance. His mother is as much to blame as he is.

      BTW I play violent vid games, train fighting, have trained with guns and never have I ever thought about shooting up a school or another person. Hell I have not been in a fistfight outside the ring since highschool. Same with my son.

      We have a lack of morals problem in this country. We are self centered and soft as a whole.

      UFC mixed martial arts fighting events appear to reduce involvement in violent crime
      you forgot that you also use test alson and havent lost your shit and went crazy.

      i like you blame the media parents social media and society as a whole. when we were in school it was postal employees that did these sorts of things and it was rare. think about this and my wife and i were talking about it the other day. we had more access to guns when we were growing up and it was more accepted. their where no police at schools and hell most of us once we had hunting permits would take rifels and shotguns in our trucks to school so we could go hunting after school.

      here is how issues went down in those days. two people had a problem they took it to the bathroom hall or where ever and it was fists. no guns no knives no gang beatings. if you lost then that was it and you went about your business. now someone gets bullied or pissed off they shoot up the school or individual that pissed them off. or they knife them like at that one party. the access hasnt changed its people in general that have. we need to hold people and parents to account or this will never stop
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      Default Re: school shooting

      This kid was ducked up…media won’t show you but he was at a min a cross dresser, headed to the trans side…this is where I’m jumping a head of all of you. This was orchestrated. This kids was heavily influenced by outside sources and so was the stupid law enforcement. After columbine Lt. Grossman (look him up) created a training for LE response to school shootings. 95% of agencies out there train in this method! This school zone just happens to be one that doesn’t?happens to be one that not only doesn’t but sticks with archaic central command module. Where this police chief had to be on the Clinton foundation finance to make the stupid decisions he did plus lie! Doors weren’t propped… you can never judge any man for waiting for backup but I’m sorry if you sign up for LE this is the day you signed up for. This is hero time…live or die. Especially with children screaming.

      The first cop on scene is the lead bar none. He calls out everything until someone has better or changed intel on what they see. There is no waiting. Two men, three whatever you go…there’s tactics to it but you go in hard and fast.

      These shooters aren’t trained there’s certain things school set up cause issues with organized entry where small fast moving teams,with the knowledge your going to get shot,move very fast.it has been highly effective and to date has ended most school shootings quickly and with less victims.

      This stupid PD was arresting parents! A teacher died inside because no one got to her fast enough. She had enough time to call her husband and talk until she passed! WTH!

      I’m not tooting my horn here but guys and gals hell would freeze over before anyone could have stopped me as a parent. I’d have drove my truck right into that school. If I was a cop they would have had to shoot me and I would have shot them if they tried to have stopped me from getting in that school and stopping this dumbass shooter.

      That is the mindset that grossman has been teaching since colembine. Interesting enough this system is how Israel tactics units perform. No mercy hit it harder than the life force in you and no one stands in the way. You are
      Going to get shot but hat won’t stop you until the threat is dead. DEAD. Not wounded for questioning…dead. It works. It’s consequential it’s finite. The shooter knows what he’s doing if this is the universal response from LE, tac units, even parents (or off duty border patrol! Get what I’m saying!).

      It’s been around long enough that the mindset has actually yielded mostly minimum fatal response to the responders and maximum fatal outcome to the shooter(s).

      Sent from my iPhone using Fitness Geared Forum

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