Man, I disagree. A reasonable person can tell the diff between good and bad and will not perpetrate violence on others regardless. The problem is some people are anti social and hate people. The media shows the face of these people and call them a monster and such. That is what they feel like. 10s of millions of people play violent video games watch violent movies, watch stuff like UFC that is real violence. Studies have shown people who watch UFC are LESS likely to be in a violent crime.

We are all desensitized to death and violence. Media and social media are far worse than vid games ect. In the 80s they tried to blame music for violence. Did not pan out. Just no correlation. Just because a person played a violent vid game does not mean that is what caused it. Look at his home life...kid never had a chance. His mother is as much to blame as he is.

BTW I play violent vid games, train fighting, have trained with guns and never have I ever thought about shooting up a school or another person. Hell I have not been in a fistfight outside the ring since highschool. Same with my son.

We have a lack of morals problem in this country. We are self centered and soft as a whole.

UFC mixed martial arts fighting events appear to reduce involvement in violent crime