Dzone. you and I are about the same in our thinking. I will not blindly believe something if it makes no sense.

Yohimbe, you are 100% right. the scriptures were changed to fit to the times and the need for control and order.

IMO organized religion is just that. Started where people worshiped the sun and moon. It evolved as people saw that they could manipulate the masses by saying you have to do this and do not do that or you will make the moon god angry. This will cause you to have an unsuccessful hunt and your tribe will go hungry. It grew into the world's religions we have today. The bible is chocked full of contradiction and horror.

All women are punished for Eve's transgression in the garden of Eden through pain in child birth. The bible says "The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son." Then why should the daughters of Eve suffer pain because of the actions of one naïve women?

I could go on and on.

I am now agnostic. Maybe there is a God but I cannot believe the only way into "heaven" is to believe that he sent his corporeal son to live as a man then die for our sins and if I do not accept that into my heart I will go to hell. Or whatever religion one might espouse.

no disrespect to those of faith. I was one like Dzone, devout and ardent in my faith. I get it, but the more you dig the harder it is to believe, at least for me.

I like non theistic Buddhism best. Buddah is not a god, just a man who achieved enlightenment and tries to guide people to do no harm to others or their environment. I do not believe reincarnation, but who knows.

Just be good to one another. That is impossible in our self absorbed selfish society.