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      Default A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

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      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      I will not post the question yet. It is sexual and yes I have research and got no answer.
      This question is most likely asked by christian single among themselves. I was asked
      and found no answer. I will post the question if you guys think it ok

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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      I am confused by your post bro. Without any context it is like posting a riddle.

      We all adults post up whatever you want just don't say fuck or shit.
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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      I will post the question being delicate,
      A christian wanted to know.
      Sex before marriage is a sin this includes oral sex.
      The question is mutual masturbation a sin?

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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      depends on the religion if i am not mistaken. catholics(sp) have very strict beliefs on these issues and then you go to other secs of the christian faith and they are much looser. my personal opinion on what i know about the teaching is that it is a sin for any sexual activity at all prior to marriage. cant say i have followed that at all but that's what is taught. it's a complicated situation depending on how serious an individual is about their own beliefs
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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      No where in the bible does it say that premarital sex is a sin specifically. This is simply a puritanical interpretation to prevent people from having premarital sex. Yeah it says one should marry rather than burn with passion but that is not direct. "Marry" has a different context in Aramaic than English. We truly do not know. Just like the bible does not say "Thou shalt not consume alcohol." Yet it is kinda a thing especially for more conservative Christians. I grew up with a Southern Baptist preacher as a dad and have read the bible from back to front, most cannot say that.

      As with sex before marriage, "the bible no where specifically forbids or denounces masturbation. It does, of course, denounce all forms of sexual impurity and fantasies that would involve adulterous relationships whether actual or mental." Yeah I know the "spilling of the seed" passage but read the context. It is about Onan not fulfilling his family duty for providing an heir...

      Also, If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. We is whacking it a sin? It does not say it anywhere. Stealing is. So this makes more sense as a verse against stealing than pulling the pud.

      Bible says nothing about blowjobs.
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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      I like your ideas it wants me to do more research

    7. #7
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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      I used to have horrible guilt when I was younger over screwing chicks while trying to live a Christian life.. I would beat myself up for being "weak". Feeling horrible guilt & Having the pastor lay hands on me and pray the devil out of me. LOL For that, I think religion f***ked with my head more than anything. I felt there was something wrong with me cuz I couldnt stop screwing women & I wanted to be a good christian. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak kinda stuff. I dont think people should feel condemned for having sex outside of marriage, but damn, I used to go thru hell with the guilt of just being normal. haha

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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      Dzone, I was the same. Whether whacking off or getting some I always felt guilty. Most people just do what they want and do not even try to live by Christian values.

      It was this guilt that made me do research in the Bible. Like I said, it is left over puritanical values. Like not drinking alcohol even though it says "Jesus turned water into wine". They twist it, and say it was not fermented. Which is CRAZY, for sure it was fermented wine. They had no method of preserving stuff back then. Fermented beverages with alcohol were far safer to drink than grape juice.

      I mean if one was to live strictly by the bible anyway one would send his wife to live in a shed during her monthly visitor and if you lost your dick and or balls due to cancer or an accident you go to hell. (There is no purgatory or middle ground in the Judeau Christian interpretation of heaven and hell. So to hell you go!)

      Oh, do not call someone baldy, God might send some bears to kill you like in 2nd Kings 2:23-25 Yeah I know, context and interpretation but why take some of the bible literally and some as a parable that means something else? Hell the bible has been changed so many times and during Constantine's rein. He decided what should be in the bible, threw out some, changed others. No one knows the original text. Also many other manuscripts have been found. They are discounted as is the gnostic bible.

      Who knows what is right. I cannot believe that a loving God would say "If you believe in my you will go to heaven, if not you go to hell" That is the bible in the New Testament. So if ****** gave his life to God and took Jesus as his lord and savior he is in heaven while some person who lived a righteous life, never sinned and helped people goes to hell because they were agnostic.

      It was such freedom to leave organized religion behind, the guilt and hypocrisy were maddening.
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    9. #9
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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Dzone, I was the same. Whether whacking off or getting some I always felt guilty. Most people just do what they want and do not even try to live by Christian values.

      It was this guilt that made me do research in the Bible. Like I said, it is left over puritanical values. Like not drinking alcohol even though it says "Jesus turned water into wine". They twist it, and say it was not fermented. Which is CRAZY, for sure it was fermented wine. They had no method of preserving stuff back then. Fermented beverages with alcohol were far safer to drink than grape juice.

      I mean if one was to live strictly by the bible anyway one would send his wife to live in a shed during her monthly visitor and if you lost your dick and or balls due to cancer or an accident you go to hell. (There is no purgatory or middle ground in the Judeau Christian interpretation of heaven and hell. So to hell you go!)

      Oh, do not call someone baldy, God might send some bears to kill you like in 2nd Kings 2:23-25 Yeah I know, context and interpretation but why take some of the bible literally and some as a parable that means something else? Hell the bible has been changed so many times and during Constantine's rein. He decided what should be in the bible, threw out some, changed others. No one knows the original text. Also many other manuscripts have been found. They are discounted as is the gnostic bible.

      Who knows what is right. I cannot believe that a loving God would say "If you believe in my you will go to heaven, if not you go to hell" That is the bible in the New Testament. So if ****** gave his life to God and took Jesus as his lord and savior he is in heaven while some person who lived a righteous life, never sinned and helped people goes to hell because they were agnostic.

      It was such freedom to leave organized religion behind, the guilt and hypocrisy were maddening.
      Exactly. The truth will set you free! This sounds very similar. I was a total bible fanatic at one time, even went to bible college for a semester. I went all in for years. I memorized as much scripture as I could. Everyday. I could have been a pastor. I was an evangelist on fire. Then I started doing some research. Council of Nicea, Constantine, the actual writers of the bible, cult of human sacrifice, people in the old testament sacrificing their children to make god happy, etc . Now I know why nobody ever reads the old testament. Apparently God changed his mind from being a mass killer to being a kind and loving god in the new testament. Baldy! hahaha yep, I read that crazy story and said wtf. Then theres the story of Jephthahs daughter, gruesome human sacrifices in the bible. Of course some of my christian friends say I am lost and going to burn in hell for eternity for calling it bullshit. LOL

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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Hell the bible has been changed so many times and during Constantine's rein. He decided what should be in the bible, threw out some, changed others. No one knows the original text. Also many other manuscripts have been found. They are discounted as is the gnostic bible.
      This is something I've always thought about. To me it seems like the Bible was modified through the centuries to fit a certain mold at any given time. Then comes all the manuscripts that have been left out. Why were they left out? Do some of them contradict one another? Do some of them not fit the narrative that was being pushed at a given time and therefore left out? It all just leads to so many questions, which lead to more questions and so on.

      Then you have all these pastors that manipulate it to pull things their way. Most of the "prosperity pastors" like Kenneth Copeland, Jessie Duplanits and Creflo Dollar. These guys literally boast about being multi millionaires on the backs of their congregations. They will flat out tell you the more you tithe, the more you will be blessed. Look up Kenneth Copeland if you get a chance. The guy is certified evil in my opinion. I can't wrap my mind around how this man is a pastor and who in their right mind would follow him. He gives off the demeanor like he has multiple evil spirits inside and is struggling to keep them under control. His eyes. Just looking in that man's eyes is frightening.
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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      Dzone. you and I are about the same in our thinking. I will not blindly believe something if it makes no sense.

      Yohimbe, you are 100% right. the scriptures were changed to fit to the times and the need for control and order.

      IMO organized religion is just that. Started where people worshiped the sun and moon. It evolved as people saw that they could manipulate the masses by saying you have to do this and do not do that or you will make the moon god angry. This will cause you to have an unsuccessful hunt and your tribe will go hungry. It grew into the world's religions we have today. The bible is chocked full of contradiction and horror.

      All women are punished for Eve's transgression in the garden of Eden through pain in child birth. The bible says "The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son." Then why should the daughters of Eve suffer pain because of the actions of one naïve women?

      I could go on and on.

      I am now agnostic. Maybe there is a God but I cannot believe the only way into "heaven" is to believe that he sent his corporeal son to live as a man then die for our sins and if I do not accept that into my heart I will go to hell. Or whatever religion one might espouse.

      no disrespect to those of faith. I was one like Dzone, devout and ardent in my faith. I get it, but the more you dig the harder it is to believe, at least for me.

      I like non theistic Buddhism best. Buddah is not a god, just a man who achieved enlightenment and tries to guide people to do no harm to others or their environment. I do not believe reincarnation, but who knows.

      Just be good to one another. That is impossible in our self absorbed selfish society.
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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      This is something I've always thought about. To me it seems like the Bible was modified through the centuries to fit a certain mold at any given time. Then comes all the manuscripts that have been left out. Why were they left out? Do some of them contradict one another? Do some of them not fit the narrative that was being pushed at a given time and therefore left out? It all just leads to so many questions, which lead to more questions and so on.

      Then you have all these pastors that manipulate it to pull things their way. Most of the "prosperity pastors" like Kenneth Copeland, Jessie Duplanits and Creflo Dollar. These guys literally boast about being multi millionaires on the backs of their congregations. They will flat out tell you the more you tithe, the more you will be blessed. Look up Kenneth Copeland if you get a chance. The guy is certified evil in my opinion. I can't wrap my mind around how this man is a pastor and who in their right mind would follow him. He gives off the demeanor like he has multiple evil spirits inside and is struggling to keep them under control. His eyes. Just looking in that man's eyes is frightening.
      No doubt! I watched a video of Kenneth Copeland flying his brand new 40 million dollar jet airplane his "cult" bought for him. He was praising Jesus for his new jet. That dude has no shame and little old ladies send him their social security check each month so he can flaunt his wealth. Kenneth Copeland is a complete fraud but he is still on TV telling people they will get rich if they send him 10% of every dollar they make. Disgusting. He is a clown. Back When I was a brainwashed by religion, I loved watching Kenneth Copeland preach. lol

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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      The George Carlin take on religion is still one of the best ever. I die laughing every time I watch that. Highly recommended.

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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      No doubt! I watched a video of Kenneth Copeland flying his brand new 40 million dollar jet airplane his "cult" bought for him. He was praising Jesus for his new jet. That dude has no shame and little old ladies send him their social security check each month so he can flaunt his wealth. Kenneth Copeland is a complete fraud but he is still on TV telling people they will get rich if they send him 10% of every dollar they make. Disgusting. He is a clown. Back When I was a brainwashed by religion, I loved watching Kenneth Copeland preach. lol
      Man I can't wrap my mind around the fact that so many people send this guy money. I was watching an interview done by a TV station that caught up with him as he was getting in his car and he got up in the ladies face pointing at her. He looked like pure raw evil. Like he was possessed and trying with all of his energy to keep it under control.
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      Default Re: A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

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      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer

      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      • A christian single ash a sexual question I do not know the answer
      Dzobe has a lot of points that I won’t repeat but agree with . I will also add that books of the Bible are written in languages,primarily Hebrew,that require translation. Strict religions like catholic and orthodox have added so much to control and guilt the masses that you have to step away from that shut. Wipe it out and go to the text. I stepped away from religion in my 20s and became non denominational…meaning I read the text for what it says not some fucking bishops interpretation.literal translation not what king James wanted it to say!

      Sometimes that takes research. Hebrew doesn’t translate well into even old English. Translators did their best but you know were influenced.

      Back to your question though. I agree with what’s being said about premaritial… I think after marriage it’s pretty clear what adultery is.

      Before and during it’s about purity.

      The problem with mutual masturbation is how close you get to the “oh fuc it” line.

      I think if your committed and headed toward marriage it is different. This whole scenario changes personal to person.

      These kids these days are fucking anal because they don’t think they can get pregnant. They forget about std andi don’t know wearing your ass out! I know a doctor she’s 50 her ass is so worn out she can’t keep anything in…it just runs out. She had prescribed to the anal before marriage isn’t sex. Now she’s a habitual single person with a worn out ass! She’s good looking too and sexually over the top…people are so f’d up lol!

      Bottom line is stay true to you bro. If it’s bothering you and it’s not religious guilt then maybe you shouldn’t do it. Sexuality shouldn’t be tense and guilt ridden. It should be enjoyed but in the right context for both parties.

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