Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
Just had 3 anchors put in my shoulder. Tore my supraspinatus cuff tendon and my bicep. Have about 9 -12 months recovery. Im at month 4 doing great
man I'm so sorry really I am fucking so sorry because I never I'm 50 years old so I'm probably around your age and I don't have these injuries but that's because for some reason when I was younger and I was bodybuilding I never pushed it where you was cuz I always thought I'm a bodybuilder I'm not a power lifter so I'm going to do this right and I'm going to do it later and more strict. my best friend was also a bodybuilder I'm like 5'6 at the time was about 190 lb he was 6'2 like 280 and I never seen anybody shrug so much weight in my life he would put so much weight on that Olympic bar that when he picked it up off the thing it would bend and he did that with every exercise and I even remember telling him that I thought we were bodybuilders And he was going to hurt himself and then forget about any contest this year. he just ignored me the thing about lifting heavy heavy weight like that is you're not impressing anybody but yourself and other men women don't give a fuck how much you left so why would you want to impress a bunch of other guys? anyway this friend of mine now is about my easy exactly my age I went to high school so he's 52 also 50 also and he is a mess he can't even go to the gym at all he can't lift weights he's had like five back surgeries I showed their surgeries like you said I mean more operations than I can even remember he's like a cripple at 50 years old so for younger guys you don't need to throw around tremendous amounts of weight to put on a muscle what you have to do really is to learn how to do the exercise and make it harder because you do it stricter and that way you don't have to use that crazy amount of weight you can make any exercise you do so much harder by being strict about it and you're going to get the same thing out of using say 40 lb dumbbells as you would use an 80 pound dumbbells and sort of cheating I'm sorry dude that this is going on with you though

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