Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
if the tendons are completely torn no injections will help other than inflammation wise. sucks being busted up and on the older side.
No doubt. Ive got tears in quite a few tendons in both shoulders, some are partial and Im hoping to regenerate enough to keep working and doing adapted workouts. I would get surgery if I could take the time off but thats not an option, unfortunately. 3 weeks post injection of PRF and its a little better. I looked into doing stem cells in Panama, then saw that it starts at $23,000. Stem cells are too big a gamble at that price. Have you known anyone who went for stem cell injections?
Yep age can catch up to us. I remember in my younger days having pain in my shoulders and just ignored it and kept training. Benchin, cleans, overhead presses... Full speed ahead. LOL Shoulder pain just seemed to be part of the deal. Now we really pay for it. Sheesh.