i am lazy as fuck and that's why i have a beard 99% of the year. i wash mine with body all in 1 body soap and brush it when i get out of the shower. mine is huge and like a lion's mane and i dont do shit to it at all. the only thing i do to maintain is to train my stache and that's because i dip and spit and food gets all up in it and it irritates the mrs. what's funny is everytime i do out i have dudes come up to me and tell me how awesome it is and what i do for it. hell i went into a makeup store with the mrs and the girl behind me said damn your beard is so well maintained and groomed, what do you do for it. they are blown away when i say nothing haha.

i do tuck it into my sweat shit when doing rows and stuff to keep from ripping it off my face though and put a pony tail holder on it when getting therapy done or tanning. so i guess i do do a couple of things for it haha