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    Thread: Covid on th elderly

    1. #1
      BABY1's Avatar
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      • Covid on th elderly

      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      I feel bad for the elderly the most. I have spent more time with my parents since this started, and that is about the only good thing. They are concerned, but they also want to see us. They encourage us to come over, and not to worry about masking up. For my Mom it hasn't been as hard because she usually stays home anyway. For my dad...he is going bananas. Every time I talk to him he references to how he has everything set for when he is not here. I guess that is what many elderly people find themselves thinking about, even more, during this. I'm trying to prep myself for the inevitable because I have such a strong feeling that isn't a good one. So I'm going to do all I can to enjoy as much time as possible with them now. On a fun note, we do have a lot of laughs' and it's almost like they are teenagers again. The stuff my dad says, and Mom too, cracks us all up. I really enjoy the older old school generations.
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      Default Re: Covid on th elderly

      the worse part i think is, if they get it it's pretty much a done deal for most. then on top of that you put them into isolation to protect them and just like the teens it creates an even bigger issue. i feel bad for the ones that are in retirement homes the most. they are pretty much in prison with no visitation rights whatsoever. yet we have politicians getting the shots to show proof that our gov and they are good but the first batch is in short supply. give it to the high risk of mortality first so they can enjoy the rest of their lives. nurses and docs with no underlying issues should be at the back of the line with everyone else until the vulnerable pop is taken care of.

      good thing you are able to spend time with your parents baby1 esp with how your gestopo state is ran
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      Default Re: Covid on th elderly

      My folks live out of state. I have not seen them since last Christmas. I would love to see them and my sis and her fam. They are all high risk so until they get vaccines no visits. My dad is going stir crazy too. My sis has RA and takes immunity blockers so she is super high risk. My bro in law just had a 3X cardiac bypass. My folks are in their 80s, mom had cancer and has pretty much recovered but still has residual stuff from the chemo. (All clear now luckily)

      I just want to hug my mom but it will have to wait.
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    4. #4
      Yohimbe's Avatar
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      Default Re: Covid on th elderly

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      • Covid on th elderly

      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      • Covid on th elderly
      This whole covid thing sucks. My grandmother was in a care center when this whole thing started and doing very well. She would talk your ear off about anything and everything lol. She was on the side where they could come and go as they pleased. She'd go shopping and out to get coffee with her friends. She was a bundle of energy.

      Then they locked that place down tight, no visitation or anything. When we were finally able to see her through glass after months, she was unrecognizable. I would have had no clue she was my grandmother if I had to go find her. She didn't know who we were. She didn't say much of anything. She looked like skeleton. They said she wouldn't eat. I wanted to (and almost did) break that glass down and rip the heads off everyone working there. But... I started noticing a lot of the nurses and care givers were crying, or looked like they had been crying. I talked to my grandmother's care giver (who started crying) and she said it's been so hard watching all their loved ones deteriorate. She called all of the seniors "their loved ones". She said they've tried so hard to keep spirits up, but when they were forced to lock down, the seniors could no longer see their families and it took it's toll on a lot of them. I could feel her sadness and it matched mine. I can't imagine going to work every day watching people you've come to love drift away because the government decided to lock everything down.

      My grandmother passed away weeks later. Her nurse let me go in and hold her hand in her bed while she went. She couldn't move or speak, but I gave her a kiss and she squeezed my hand, so I know she knew I was there. I wanted to take a picture of her and send it with a picture from a few months prior to our country's various dictators and say here's what your f**king lockdowns did. But I guess I'm trying to understand the trade off. Which one would have taken more lives at a facility like that.... Covid, or isolation. I'm just ready to get passed all this covid crap.
      Last edited by Yohimbe; 12-21-2020 at 12:24 PM.
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