so i was pretty optimistic about flipping my state's moron of a democrat gov back to a repbulican but no my state even though it is a southern state reelected this f'n moron. so this dude locked the entire state down even though cases were minor at best including some counties had no cases whatsoever. i know a ton of business in a couple surrounding areas that went out of business because of the lock down that was completely unneeded in those areas. man people absolutely blow my mind. now if biden and harris take the white house we will go back to 5 buck a gallon gas and grocery prices that make eating steak and other norms to expensive to eat except on special occasions. i eat those daily btw haha. i just cant wrap my head around how people can vote for them knowing this very fact and we will be right back on lock down again as soon as those fucks are sworn in. i am beyond livid. the level of people's stupidity with wanting free shit and government influence is just mind boggling.