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      I usually listen, and watch, but her latest on the 25th amendment? Grasping at anything she can...We need Trump to stay in office. Heading to the polls today! On a side note, I took dexamethasone 20 years ago, and I wish I knew how dangerous this steroid was .
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      Default Re: Pelosi

      i honest to god and i am honestly think that they really do think people are stupid. i really and truly do. anyone that can vote or support them has to be a super special kind of person. how can you back someone that is bat shit crazy will lie straight through their teeth with a smile. on top of having videos showing what they have said and done they will still lie about it. that on top of do as i say not as i do and you cant see it till we pass it nonsense infuriates me to no end. mother fucker you are their to represent us the people and we have the right to know what and how you are doing things. then lets add to that they dont even use the ahca or any of the other bull shit they force down our throats that screws us over. both sides suck ass but give me a break, these fools that are democrats wow, all i can say is wow while smh.
      i have been to third world countries. i have lived in countries that have actual dictators or rulers running their countries. i say if you want to go down that route move over there. if you want to be a communist move to china or russia but leave our rights and liberties the fuck alone. hell i am more of a libraterian(sp) when i comes to most things but their is no way on god's green earth i could stomach pulling the lever for any of the fools on the dem ticket.
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: Pelosi

      I do like them slippers though
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    5. #5
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      Default Re: Pelosi

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i honest to god and i am honestly think that they really do think people are stupid. i really and truly do. anyone that can vote or support them has to be a super special kind of person. how can you back someone that is bat shit crazy will lie straight through their teeth with a smile. on top of having videos showing what they have said and done they will still lie about it. that on top of do as i say not as i do and you cant see it till we pass it nonsense infuriates me to no end. mother fucker you are their to represent us the people and we have the right to know what and how you are doing things. then lets add to that they dont even use the ahca or any of the other bull shit they force down our throats that screws us over. both sides suck ass but give me a break, these fools that are democrats wow, all i can say is wow while smh.
      i have been to third world countries. i have lived in countries that have actual dictators or rulers running their countries. i say if you want to go down that route move over there. if you want to be a communist move to china or russia but leave our rights and liberties the fuck alone. hell i am more of a libraterian(sp) when i comes to most things but their is no way on god's green earth i could stomach pulling the lever for any of the fools on the dem ticket.

      yes they do think we are all stupid and need constant babysitting.. i agree 100% with you

      however i am unable to vote for either of these assholes. 3rd party gets my vote only to express my complete dissatisfaction with both parties.. both have lost there way and do not represent most of the working population. this election is gonna be a dossie either way.. i dont believe there is a true winner here. us americans are gonna lose either way

      as for polosi.. that woman needs to be gone. horrible horrible person if ever there was an individual who thinks they are above others its her. how is it possible she is even still in office..

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Pelosi

      We can only hope that Trump will be able to continue to allow small businesses like mine to grow and employ more and more people. In the past 3 years I was able to afford to bring on a new part time worker and also hire contractors to make upgrades on my house. All of that money was not there when Obama was putting the clamps on small businesses with taxes and regulations with massive penalties. Trump becoming president in 2016 was like being set free after 8 years of tyrannical rule. Biden has promised that he will bring back everything we had with Obama. You usually dont see American flags flying in yards with Biden signs.
      You can call Trump every bad name u want, but when it comes down to making lives better for hard working middle class folks like me, white , black , hispanic, etc, I will back that man every single day of the week.
      And last, if you are disgusted by the thought of a 9 month old pregnancy ending with the dismemberment of the baby in the womb and sucked out with a vacuum hose, with no pain medication, then vote for Trump. Please. At least vote for the innocent, if for no other reason. Trump 2020.

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      Default Re: Pelosi

      Quote Originally Posted by guage View Post
      yes they do think we are all stupid and need constant babysitting.. i agree 100% with you

      however i am unable to vote for either of these assholes. 3rd party gets my vote only to express my complete dissatisfaction with both parties.. both have lost there way and do not represent most of the working population. this election is gonna be a dossie either way.. i dont believe there is a true winner here. us americans are gonna lose either way

      as for polosi.. that woman needs to be gone. horrible horrible person if ever there was an individual who thinks they are above others its her. how is it possible she is even still in office..
      i agree with you 100% about them all being completely fucked and not giving two shits about the people but i cannot go for a 3d party out of disgust even though i am disgusted with them all. reason being if it gives one more shot for the dems to take power i couldnt live with myself. i also even though i dont care for him whatsoever, trump actually has delivered for the people on what he promised. i have seen small business boom around where i live and my friends that own them who were border line about to go under are doing or were doing great. they are making it now with the virus but before that they were bringing on new hires and expanding. hell the place my wife works at is a veteran owned business that was barely making it and he is now exploding and expanding. even though trump is a jack ass he knows how to make shit happen and has done more for the middle class than any other elected official in my lifetime. so even though i am disgusted with them all, no way i would take the chance of my vote possibly tipping the scale for biden and harris. hell at least trump doesnt say anything to get elected flipping and flopping with the drop of the hat and then fucking everyone and shipping everything over seas. trump may be a piece of shit but at least he speaks what he thinks and rarely ever goes back on what he says or does even if he is completely wrong. hell i can respect that. fuck anyone that will say something then go back on the truth of it and change it to suit their voters or improve their voting block.

      my best questions for anyone is: do you want to live in cali esp san fran? do you want to live in new york city? down town balitmore or chicago? all ran entirely by the dems for decades and with huge minority populations. so what have they done for you.
      next ones: if you work or had health care before the ahca did it get better and cheaper? where you able to keep your doctor? how long does it take you to be seen now by a specialist? now i hear everyone on pre existing conditions and i am simpathetic on that one to an extent but it isnt a god given or gov given right that you should have the same price on your insurance as a healthy person. if you have 10 speeding tickets a dui and a wreckless driving ticket should you have the same cost of insurance as i do? or should insurance even cover you? not really the same but kind of the same because you are at a higher risk of incident.
      finally and these are just a few of the ones i feel like off set the dems so badly: talking about criminal reform illegal immigration and other legal matters. so what did bummer and biden do for these issues? they had a super majority for a pretty good amount of time in his first term where they could have moved and done pretty much any legislation they wanted. nope didnt do a mother fucking thing. biden is famous for his legislature in the 90s that locked up thousands of non violent offenders in the late 90s.

      we can go on and on about shipping our jobs and production over seas. the huge national security issue that doing so has caused on top of the jobs lost. and i am no economist by any means but i am smart enough to know that if you tax the piss out of a business, they will find ways to save. be it move out of the country entirely cut jobs or whathaveyou. they wont just give their money away. same goes with terrible regulations. they do the same thing.

      so i will put my vote on trump and pence. i know exactly what i will get and i feel for the up and coming generations if biden/harris take over and or the senate falls.
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      Default Re: Pelosi

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      We can only hope that Trump will be able to continue to allow small businesses like mine to grow and employ more and more people. In the past 3 years I was able to afford to bring on a new part time worker and also hire contractors to make upgrades on my house. All of that money was not there when Obama was putting the clamps on small businesses with taxes and regulations with massive penalties. Trump becoming president in 2016 was like being set free after 8 years of tyrannical rule. Biden has promised that he will bring back everything we had with Obama. You usually dont see American flags flying in yards with Biden signs.
      You can call Trump every bad name u want, but when it comes down to making lives better for hard working middle class folks like me, white , black , hispanic, etc, I will back that man every single day of the week.
      And last, if you are disgusted by the thought of a 9 month old pregnancy ending with the dismemberment of the baby in the womb and sucked out with a vacuum hose, with no pain medication, then vote for Trump. Please. At least vote for the innocent, if for no other reason. Trump 2020.
      so here is my thing on abortion and i cant understand. why do they call it women's health or a woman's health issue? getting knocked up and having a baby doesnt kill you except in rare instances. when i think of woman's health i think of mamograms ovary scans and other women's type issues that affect them and not men. fucking around and getting knocked up isnt a health care issue. that's a your a moron and irresponsible issue. i dont agree with it or the terminology that is associated with it. killing something is killing something and if something has a heart beat then it is alive point blank period. now i have no problem with someone doing so to protect the life of the mother or if their is something wrong in the womb where the baby isnt going to make it but other than that no. i know more than a few people that cant have kids that would love the opportunity to have their own. their are tons of programs where if you fuck up and get an unwanted pregnancy you can go to full term and give a family a child that they truly want. i just dont get people and how they view it as a health issue and not as a life but hey they use science only when its beneficial to them. same goes for facts
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      Default Re: Pelosi

      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      I usually listen, and watch, but her latest on the 25th amendment? Grasping at anything she can...We need Trump to stay in office. Heading to the polls today! On a side note, I took dexamethasone 20 years ago, and I wish I knew how dangerous this steroid was .
      Abortion is murder either way you look at it.
      The unborn child needs rights also.
      And if abortion was illegal less woman and men would be practicing in protected sex.
      They would still get down just sales of condoms would go up.

      They should have abortion by court order only like if it is life threatening or the woman is in real danger.

      Imagine if there was no abortion we might of had better candidates for president ot the USA.

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      Default Re: Pelosi

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      We can only hope that Trump will be able to continue to allow small businesses like mine to grow and employ more and more people. In the past 3 years I was able to afford to bring on a new part time worker and also hire contractors to make upgrades on my house. All of that money was not there when Obama was putting the clamps on small businesses with taxes and regulations with massive penalties. Trump becoming president in 2016 was like being set free after 8 years of tyrannical rule. Biden has promised that he will bring back everything we had with Obama. You usually dont see American flags flying in yards with Biden signs.
      You can call Trump every bad name u want, but when it comes down to making lives better for hard working middle class folks like me, white , black , hispanic, etc, I will back that man every single day of the week.
      And last, if you are disgusted by the thought of a 9 month old pregnancy ending with the dismemberment of the baby in the womb and sucked out with a vacuum hose, with no pain medication, then vote for Trump. Please. At least vote for the innocent, if for no other reason. Trump 2020.
      I am glad that you have the first hand experience in owning a small business.
      My family in Texas have small business that are Involved in the oil fields and have always been good due to oil but now they have been doing Even better sense Trump stepped into office.

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      Default Re: Pelosi

      Pretty much the only woman on here, and I will not elaborate on this subject. What I would like to see is factual info, that they allow such a decision at 9 months, from a credible source. I haven't searched this because I am a woman who had to choose my life or die with our daughter who died during delivery.
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      Default Re: Pelosi

      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      Pretty much the only woman on here and I will not elaborate on this subject. What I would like to see is factual info that they allow such a decision at 9 months, from a credible source. I haven't searched this because I am a woman who had to choose my life, or die with our daughter, who died during delivery.
      I am sorry to here that baby1 my condolences.

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      Default Re: Pelosi

      I have been with a couple woman before my wife that I thought I was gonna marry until they got pregnant and said no kids for me.
      I was heart broken both times because I really wanted kids.
      Now I am happy with two daughters.
      I told the older one if she ever got pregnant that no matter what we will help and take care of them no matter what.
      And support from us is always there.

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      Default Re: Pelosi

      If Harris/Biden wins, then its perfectly legal if a woman changes her mind the day before the perfectly healthy baby is due to be born. Murdering babies in America used to upset people, now its no big deal.
      Who cares if Trumps an asshole, he is the most pro life president in history.

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      The way they are taking away our freedom due to covid will be the same way they will shut us down to save the environment. If Harris/Biden wins and the dems take the senate and house, we will be living under totalitarian rule and most of your income will be going to taxes to pay reparations and the green new deal. You wont have anything left after theyre done with you.

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