i will start this off by a little prelude. i realize these fucks will do and say anything for power. the kicker is dont fucking lie to me and i am not retarded slow or stupid. even if i dont agree with you on your politics or where you stand on things that's fine we can debate but dont fucking lie, stretch or skew actual facts about what you believe.

so i just saw a biden ad and it went into how he created the great ahca that drove down premiums decreased drug costs and a whole host of other bull shit and straight up lies. that on top of saying how he would handle the virus so much better by listening to the experts. mother fucker was calling trump a racists for stopping travel from china in the begining and a host of other contradicting bs. we can go back and watch the tapes fool.

the kicker here that really burns my ass is about the ahca. i have retired military insurance which was fantastic and was cheap as all hell. my scripts also used to be dirt cheap. when they passed the ahca, my cost more than tripled on my premium and my script coverage went through the damn roof. that and my doc sold his practice because it was no longer profitable for him to own his own and went back to working at the hospital. so dont fucking tell me how you made it so much better for people when i know first fucking hand that for me it most certainly did not. giving people free shit off the backs of us that bust our asses and got fucked up doing so is a huge crock of shit. you want to give out free shit then open up free clinics and give docs and hospitals tax credits for doing the work or something along those lines.

now i saw another one about how he is going to create 1.5 million new jobs in his first 4 years increase wages and lower taxes on the middle class. well fuck you ass hole. you helped send damn near all of our manufacturing over seas by driving up costs and increasing taxes. he is responsible for driving poverty up in the 8 years as vp and shrinking the fuck out of the middle class. i can go on and on but it absolutely makes me livid seeing this horse shit every time i turn on the tv.

he was completely honest when he said hell yeah i am going to raise taxes, divert money away from le, open up the borders, go to a government ran single payer health care, get rid of fossil fuel go back into the iran deal and the paris climate accord. fucking fool. bottom line, if you want to win me over then dont fucking lie esp when it is on tape and their is proof of what you have said and did. want to play the racists bs card, go back into the archives and look at all the racist crap he has done and said in his 47 years in gov. i dont care to much for trump but you get what you see and he isnt profiting off of being in gov.