Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
Oh, by the way, with that money I saved on my taxes with Trump, it all went into hiring people & buying materials to remodel my house.
Yes, I think Trump says a lot of stupid shit that we could do without, but in the long run who cares, he is kicking ass for the working class.
Biden promises to stick it to us with higher taxes and heavy regulations and punishments. Biden can go straight to hell where he belongs with the other child molesters
like i said haha dont fucking lie to me. you brought up a great point on how they kill jobs and the economy. even if they were only to tax the rich which still trickles down. i dont care what they say higher taxes does get pushed down, that is if you can keep your job. higher taxes and regulations are the prime reason why all the manufacturing moved over seas. that and just like ca and ny, if you tax the piss out of the wealthy they will just move somewhere else, which again translates to a huge net loss of jobs. just from an economic stand point and entirely from that view i dont see how anyone with a job that pays taxes can vote for a democrat. the unions really blow me away because just like most manufacturing, their jobs are disappearing under the dems rule. black people also, what the fuck have they done for you to make your life better in decades? not a damn thing