When Obamacare got voted in , my insurance premiums shot up from $250 per month to $900 a month. I had to drop my insurance and went uninsured. Then my accountant calls me up and says " You have to send the Internal rev Servc $3,000 because you dont have health insurance, this is because of the affordable healthcare act of Obama."
I had to pay that penalty to the irs every year for several years.
Fast forward to Trump presidency. My accountant calls me up and says :"Good news, you no longer have to pay a fine for not having insurance and youre also going to save a ton of money on your taxes this year, all thanks to Trump."
Affordable care act my ass. Liberals want to punish hard working Americans like me and take away our insurance, then fine us for not having it,so they can give insurance to illegals, lazy , etc.

One more thing, Democrats are perfectly fine with killing a living human being in the 9th month of pregnancy by sucking it out of the womb with a vacuum hose, all while the baby fights against it to save its own life, while suffering a horrific & painful death. How in the hell this issue is NOT front row center of this entire election is beyond me. Democrats call this murder of children "reproductive rights". Are you fjkcing kidding me?