Look at the source of that. You can look at the CDCs numbers. This is an interpretation of the numbers coming from the link below. FOR SURE the number of deaths from covid are lower than what CNN states.

During flu season, a flu death is counted if it is a contributing factor which means the person may have had heart failure AND complications from the flu and died. It is counted as a flu death as the person PROBABLY would have lived if not for the complications....at least a while longer. So a person who has chronic respiratory probs, immuno compromised ect. and gets covid has a very high probability of it turning into pneumonia and dying. The covid put em over the edge. It should be counted as a covid death and to not do it is intellectually unfair and is the same as the lefties inflating the #s to scare people. The calculations in the article posted take this out. So to compare apples to apples you must compare both equitably as the fly is kind of what we benchmark covid deaths by.

Anyway. The media is inflating #s the OTHER way to make it even worse than it really is. Honestly, it ain't that big a deal.