Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
It is cyclical. If Biden wins, he will do stupid liberal shit but there will be a reckoning with the voters. If you look, there has only been 1 time where Dems or republicans held the presidency more than 2 terms since 1950. That was Reagan then Bush Sr. But Sr. only served 1 term then we had sex fiend in chief Slick Willy Clinton for two, then "W" for 2, and Obama for 2. Will trump be elected again?

Here is the thing, the sky is not falling if Biden wins. The vast majority of folk will not like all of the catering of victimhood status of certain demographics and the tax burden Dems put on the middle class. (Obama tried to regulate IRAs, 457s, 401Ks ect which led to 400,000 less retirement plans being opened by new investors) The dems want the $$$ in circulation rather than the middle class saving it as responsible folk do. More people on the public dole = more dem votes.

Anyway, even if trump does not win, there is always the cycle.

I actually expect him to win. Why? Mail in ballots the dems are pushing for. They are the party of voter fraud! Makes it real easy to cheat.
well i can tell you this one and this is the one that pisses me off more so than anything else across the board. well two things actually. i was on active duty during wild bill's piece of shit run and in a specialized infantry role. which allowed us to have a bit more funding than say your everyday regular people. so under dem ran government, i actually deployed with a weapon that did not fire because we did not have the money to fix it. so if the shit hit the fan, my machine gun fired semi auto. did it function? yes but in single shot so it was pretty much useless. i also went out to 29 palms when i was a brand new boot and spent a month at the marine corps premiere training facility and didnt fire a single fucking live round because of funding. that is the place you go before deploying for the majority of your live fire training prior to deploying back in those days. no funding to properly train our people prior to possible combat. so that's the first insult that royally pisses me off and i went through first hand. i could add in all the chopper and vehicle mishaps that occured during those times that killed people as well.

now this is the one that really burns my ass. so i am retired from active duty and i did so prior to the ahca took effect. i served my time and got my retirement and medical insurance as well as 100% disability from the va due to combat injuries. so with retired insurance i didnt need the va because my health insurance was outstanding. sick, call the doc and go in. tweak my back but only need pt, call a pt office and make appt and go in. all set, no co pay no questions. good example here. i was wrestling around with one of my kids. a grabbed here and she pulled and twisted and popped my distal tendon by about 95%. so next day, got appt and went in. had an mri the following day and was setup to sched surgery the day after that. no bs no head aches nothing. so fast forward to the ahca kicking in. my doc that i loved and had for years sold both his practices and went back to the hospital to work because he couldnt make money anymore. that's the first one. second one, my premiums and copays increased by 140% and now i have to see my primary to get a ref for anything i want to have done. so for me and my family we have to pay out the ass even if the primary doc isnt doing anything other than a ref for a specialist. so for those fucks that think that you can give a bunch of people low cost or free health care or morons because all of us have to pay for it when ours was good to begin with.

long rant but in the time that they rule, they can surely fuck shit up to no end. and for the life of me unless you dont work or pay taxes, i dont see how you can vote for someone that increase costs and taxes by so much and we see it every fucking cycle.