Quote Originally Posted by BigDawg View Post
So since this clusterfuck plandemic I have learned a few important things. Obviously as most of us have I learned the majority of people in this country have become FAR too reliant on TV to tell them how to act, think, feel, and what to believe. Even when science proves the bullshit the media has been pushing is totally bogus. It's quite sad. I've had people unfriend me because I wouldn't capitulate and agree with their uninformed/unintelligent ideas on masks, social distancing, being afraid to send their kids back to school in September. Again it's kind of sad people can't simply disagree on a stance and still remain friends. I've, learned that I need the gym to retain my sanity. I kept training at home during the illegal lockdown and it helped retain some mass but since I've been back in my two real gyms since July 7th, the muscle memory not only kicked in but I seem to have gained size in the last few weeks and I'm actually feeling tired after being used to barely sleeping 3-4 hours a night. I need the space that the gym provides to pace around between sets like a proverbial caged tiger. During the lockdown, luckily, I worked every day otherwise the depression would have been so much worse. More than once, I had to sit and talk myself out of things holding my 9mm and sitting outside on my deck. The weekends I sat all afternoon on the deck drinking into the night and repeat Sunday before going back to work Monday and repeating the following weekend. When the UFC started doing fights again it gave me something to do and got me out of the slump slightly. I had my Cancun vacation that we booked the first week of February and scheduled for July 22 (another story for another time, I always go in mid july) have to be rescheduled as my resort said they wouldn't be reopening till June 25 so we rescheduled for August 4-12 but they didn't reopen the 25th of June, said they'd reopen July 20th. They didn't so I finally emailed corporate and was told they weren't reopening till August 12th. So we just cancelled the whole trip and hoping next year this fucking I sanity is over. My beloved dog Gracie had tplo surgery March 9th, rehabbed quite nicely and then suddenly started not feeling like eating in the last 6 weeks, lost almost 20 pounds. $2300 later in several different visits for ultrasounds and bloodwork and then a biopsy on the mass that showed up on the second ultrasound we put her on prednisone to see if we could get the mass shrunken enough for her to get food down instead of vomiting up everything she ate. When that didn't work we were faced with chemo that may or may not improve things since the prednisone didn't work or put her down. If the chemo did in fact help, she was looking at max of 2-3 months. We said goodbye to my sweet girl last monday. Still feeling it but I refuse to stop busting ass in the gym. I hope things improve after the election or I may go ahead and put in early retirement and move to Mexico. So sick of how this country has devolved into the sad state it has. Anyway, that's what I've experienced and learned during this shitstorm. Thanks for listening
Sorry to hear about you dog. Hopefully things workout and everything will be ok.
Hang tight , unfortunately all the media outlets are owned by the same few giants.!!
So they are controlling everything, the narrative they wanna push ,their hidden agenda . and so on . The division, the riots, there here in everything. Including radio, government, social media, Google. . .most people are sheep, they are gonna believe everything they are being told on tv and the news. keep your head up and try and stay positive.. this is all because they want trump outta office.. they will do anything, even destroy the USA to get him out... But it won't work. More and more people are waking up to the truth and now seeing how corrupt everything is... The hypocrisy and treason runs deep! Just stay positive, keep yourself and your family and loved ones safe. That's all you can really do. Take care of yourself.. the storm won't last forever.