Once the PS5 launches the PS4 will come down in price. There will still be a WEALTH of games, far more than the 5 if they do not include backwards compatibility (Being able to play PS4 games on the PS5) between consoles which seems to be the way they are going. I am going to buy a PS4. There are over 2,700 PS4 games and maybe 40 PS5 games as of now. That will grow and upon a google search there will be some backwards compatible games. But remember, they want you to have to upgrade consoles.

Honestly, you cannot go wrong with either console or the Xbox one or the new X that is coming. I have an Xbox one and for me, I prefer the PS. Mostly because I had a xbox 360 that red ringed 2x under warranty then died out of warranty and it was a useless brick. Microsoft would not stand behind their poor hardware.