What hurts you on a daily basis? How long? What do you do for it? Stretching? Pain killers? Herbal? CBD? MMJ? Does it keep you awake at night? What caused it? OPQRST. Onset, provoked, quality, radiating, severity, timing?

I feel pretty fortunate so far that I dont have any major pain except in my low back, in the morning but thats because I dig holes and plant about 5 trees a day. I am bent over and trying to straighten up in the morning. My left hip sometimes hurts and I wonder if it has some DJD from 50 years of doing sqauts

I dont take anything except CBD and handfuls of turmeric and boswellia and tart cherry capsules. Seems to keep my inflammation down. If I ever have a rare bad day, I will take 800 mg ibuprofen. Oh ya, I forgot- I eat the shit out of MMJ. LOL My tolerance to MMJ is so high that I have to eat at least 500-1000 mg

I tore my r rotator cuff, supraspinatous in 2003 and never had surgery and I would say it never hurts, even doing dips and overhead presses, thank goodness. The MD told me it was never going to be okay unless I had surgery. Shows you that even the best doctors are not always right.