Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
Fuzo and I walked in a grocery store yesterday without masks, they told us we couldn't come in without one. So we put our shirt over our mouth n nose. They pretty much followed us around. I got extreme anxiety and just wanted to get out of there. Fuzo took his down in line and as we walked out he was expressing our rights loudly! Ugh...I am boycotting public places for awhile
here is what blows my mind. we are all grown ass adults and know the risk to benefit of following the mask guidance and if you choose to or not to should be your personal choice. now if you are sick coughing or sneezing(which you shouldnt be out) then you should cover your face up. here is the kicker and i dont wear one either. i like to people watch and i am a very cautious person always keeping track of what is going on around me. so me watching these people wearing masks i have found that about 95% of these morons handle their faces 100x more than they would if they didnt. so what's the trade off here. me personally, before i put my sunglasses or glasses on my face i clean my hands, as soon as i get into my ride i clean my hands and as soon as i get to my house i clean my hands and throw my shirt into the laundry. i even rub the sanitizer into my beard around my mouth after i clean my hands.

i love how the changed that it had to be an m95 mask to well um anything covering your face will work. a bandana or t-shirt neck gator or whatever isnt going to give you the same protection and anyone that thinks so is a fool. if that were the case hospitals would be using the far cheaper alternative to cut costs and make more money