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    Thread: DR Phil

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      BABY1's Avatar
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      Fuzo and I have been having good discussion about all what is going on. Even when we dont agree we still consider and hear each other. I am with DR phil on what he sees and I have said before that I felt the aftermath of all this will be worse than the the virus itself. Mor phobias...agoraphobia just being 1 of many.. something I have peronal experience with.

      Dr. Phil: '''The longer this lockdown goes on, the more vulnerable people get''' | Fox News
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      Default Re: DR Phil

      My girl sent me a message yesterday telling me to watch dr Phil talking about covid. I didnt see it. What is he saying?
      I did see a study that says if unemployment hits 30%, that it will cause 77,000 deaths from suicide, drug addiction, alcohol, etc
      The most disturbing thing of all is the domestic violence thats skyrocketing. Abusers are staying home, angrily drinking and beating the shit out of wives and kids

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      Default Re: DR Phil

      I guess can see both sides of the coin. On one side you have everyone staying home to limit the number of infections, which obviously is good to mitigate the virus. Then you have the other side of the coin where people are being forced to stay home, businesses are shutting down, livelihoods are being decimated in some cases causing significant increases in domestic violence, suicide rates, depression, etc... It's almost like a no win situation. I agree with both sides. You want to keep people from getting sick, but you certainly don't want the cure to be worse than the cause. It's a fine line on what to do, how to do it and timing of it all.
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      Default Re: DR Phil

      aint gonna worry about what happens next.. wont do any good and cant prevent it or get rich off it so might as well just go for the ride

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      I think it will go back to pretty much how it was before. Once vaccines start coming out and people are immune in the USA and Canada, people will not care about the rest of the world.

      Hell ebola was an absolute killer at like 90% death for those who contract it. If it got loose in NYC oh man. But it did not. It was in Africa and no one cared. Hell most people have no idea what it is.

      West nile virus. People flipped out of their minds and refused to go outside for fear of mosquito bites. Now, you never hear about it anymore.
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