I guess being sick 3 weeks ago with a bad cough then flying I got fluid behind the ear, I've never ever had any ear problems in my life maybe it was the coughing so hard who knows. So I went to a ENT and he made a cut drained some fluid which then got infected and had to be put on antibiotics and ear solution antibiotics and now my hearing is even worse. So last night my daughter put my ear drops in my ear and it got clogged and the ear isn't draining anymore and my hearing is even worse. The horrible thing about this is my anxiety is through the roof and I cant take it and I'm panicking and I'm taking my Xanax like candy to keep my anxiety down because I dont know how to handle not hearing out of 1 ear. The Doc put me on Augment em and its been 5-6 days and still nothing is getting better. This night has been horrible and now Im up trying to distract myself because I cant sleep. And to make things worse my whole fukn family is sick and if I get sick and have this ear problem.Oh Fuk send my ass to the Moon . Its not wax