Quote Originally Posted by apbt549 View Post
ok were to start.. if AB called anyone a "cracker" he should be kicked out of the NFL or atleast suspended. because if a coach or GM or owner called someone a nigger all hell would have broken loose. i dont see him lasting at the pats because that drama shit dont fly there..

now for kaepernick stuff i am a 49ers fan and have been since the bill wash days and dzone nailed it kaepernick is not that good his best day was when harbaugh was there before that he was just a ok qb and then when harbaugh left he went back to being a ok qb. to me there is alot better qb's out there
Come on, he was fired from the raiders. And the dirty patriots got him. He is the best. I will say he lost 10s of millions of $ due to this.

Also there is an unhidden double standard. A black person can use racial slurs while a white person cannot according to stupid people.

Definition of racism
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Now the left say that a black person cannot be racist because they are the "victims" of institutionalized racism and therefore cannot be such. I do not see that in the definition.....hmmmmm maybe they added it to fit their agenda and ideology.

In reality where reasonable people live, any person can be a bigoted racist regardless of skin color.

Double standard. Equity is not a guarantee. Equity in effort, intelligence, and outcome are factors. Just like AB is the TOP receiver in the NFL due to a factor that he cannot control to an extent. He is one of the most physically gifted persons on this planet. No matter how hard I train i could not reach 10% of his gift. Equity, he hit the genetic lotto in this area.

The stupid left say racism is what keeps minorities down. In reality it is many things such as culture, born into poverty, no education ect. (BUT, much of this comes from culture, if you single mom lives on welfare and does not push for education and you drop out of school and get face tattoos you are not going to have a successful career. Hence forth cause of economic disparity which is directly effected by CULTURE.

Take a Korean kid who's parents push them to be the best. These folk succeed most of the time due to.......you got it, CULTURE!


Sorry, I went off there. FUC& AB and his bullshit.