Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
Cusses him out in front of th ewhole team, goes balistic, has to have teammates hold him back from assaulting Mayock. Then gets absolutely NO DISCIPLINE whatsoever from the league or the raiders and is going to play on monday night football and gets to keep his $30 million they just gave him. Honestly, thi s shit is starting to make me hate football and wonder why I even waste my valuable time watching these assholes. wtf????
if i were a coach or owner i couldnt tolerate this type of garbage. he just got that huge fine for missing practices and stuff then put it on social media. none of these fools have any sense of the word team. they dont give two shits about authority or their team mates. it's all about their attention and their money. the sad thing is, that if oakland cut him some other team would snatch him up with a quickness even with all the drama and issues he creates. old kap would still be the same way, the only difference is kap sucked and he doesnt