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  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
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  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

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  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
  • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
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    Thread: When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

    1. #1
      Dzone's Avatar
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      Default When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

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      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      What would you do? if you went to a christmas day party and they had a 120 pound German Shepherd who for whatewver4 reason didnt know I was a dog lover but he saw me as some kind of a threat. The second I walked in the door , my nephews german shepherd, who did not know me, just started barking at me like crazy! This dog was enormous! With NO COLLAR or leash. So my nephew puts him in the3 kennel but then brings the dog back out and guess what? The dog starts getting pissed and barking at me again. There are about 25 people there and this dog for whatever reason, is pissed at me. I turned and ran out the door. That dog was seconds from launching on me and had NO COLLAR or LEASH on it. I went back in again and People were acting like I was over reacting and telling me to calm down cuz the dog knows Im scared. Ya no shit! You got a huge dog wanting to rip your face off and these people are laughing. He finally let the dog loose a 3rd time and I got up. said merry crismtmas and walkked out the door and drove home.
      People do NOT understand how dangerous a german shepherd can be and my nephew just got this full grown dog 3 days ago and is being careless as hell. Clueless to the dangerous animal he now owns. I oncve had a cop tell me a K9 german shpehred is the same as having loaded gun pointed at you. Ive not forget it and Ive been attacked by accident by police dogs before and it you dont forget it.

    2. #2
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      Default Re: When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

      I think my nephew just took on someone e,lses problem dog. His girlfriend got the dog this week from the breeder after the couple who bought him returned him because the dog was showinbg aggression toward the man of the house when he came home from deployment in afghaniustan. I would return the dog immediately and get another german shephard to raise. Any dog who shows aggression like that would be disqualified ffrom any dog competitions.

    3. #3
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

      Damn bro. Back in colleges I used to be a dog catcher. Scariest dog I ever faced was a german shepherd pitbull mix. Not 120 lbs but bigger than a pit by 1/3.

      I fought that dog and another dog with my catchpole for 10 minutes unable to call for help on my radio. Finally a person looked out their window and saw me backed up between the steps of a patio and the house fighting to keep these dogs off of me and called the cops. Cop sprayed them with pepper spray which did the trick and I was able to slip the noose on them put them in the truck. (The badass one first) I wrote the owner of both dogs a citations for at large, no rabies vax, and no city registration for each dog. 6 total at about $75 each. He also had to pay $50 each to get them out.

      Not 2 weeks later, they got out one morning and menaced kids waiting for the schoolbus and the cops shot both if them. As soon as the cop got there the dogs went at him, not just barking but trying to bite.

      You were right to stay away from that dog.
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    4. #4
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      Default Re: When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

      One time I had a friend who was the main K9 officer for the sheriff and I was petting his dog one day, the dog was wagging his tail and all happy, as I am petting this dog, suddenly out of nowhere he went in to full on attack mode on me and I jumped back just in time to miss losing my whole face to that dog. In my experience, thats a shitty trained dog and should not be showing aggression outside of actual bite work

    5. #5
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      One time I had a friend who was the main K9 officer for the sheriff and I was petting his dog one day, the dog was wagging his tail and all happy, as I am petting this dog, suddenly out of nowhere he went in to full on attack mode on me and I jumped back just in time to miss losing my whole face to that dog. In my experience, thats a shitty trained dog and should not be showing aggression outside of actual bite work
      DAMN! My brother is a K9 officer. His dog is cool as hell.
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

      A clear concience is a sign of a bad memory.

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    6. #6
      Yohimbe's Avatar
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      Default Re: When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

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      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas

      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      • When a German Shepherd wants to kick your ass on xmas
      Damn,that's crazy. Some people just don't understand how dangerous a dog like that can be. Especially a dog your nephew has only had for 3 days already showing aggression like that toward a complete stranger. I would have left too.
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