well for me my career took a turn may 21 2019. the CEO of the company i was working for came in and let me go. been there 5 years. added 5 more diesel tech built a 400k 6 bay addition shop on the place. broke monthly numbers for the first 3 years and then they started messing with the numbers. we went from making over 200k profit my first year to making 195k profit my 2nd year to only making 70k profit the 3rd to losing money last year and again not making money this year. i seen we werent making money so i started to look into it. found our admin expense went up over 8k per month. when i asked about it i was told well those are one of those things you cant do anything about those numbers. well why in the hell did it go up 8k per month? another thing they did was added 4 outside salesmen and took % from each branch to pay there salaries. the salesmen this was for have been canceled and now they dont travel the state any longer and havent in almost 2 years but there salary is still coming out of my branch when i asked about that at one of the ops meeting i was told we will talk about that at the next meeting and we never had another meeting. i busted my ass for that place. we were a cummins dealer,perkings dealer deutz dealer, bosch dealer all the major diesel engine dealers. i got kubota engines dealership back in feb 2019.

the place never did over 300k in sales in a month and my first year there we did it 3 times and then again went above that the next year..

so what am i doing now well went back to turning wrenches. this all went down when i was rebuilding my 6.0L POWERSTROKE in my truck thats all done now so i went back to doing that. i am looking into opening my own shop. if i am going to turn wrenches again i am going to do it for myself. this is twice i made another place money and got kicked to the curb..i already have tons of work. got a 13 speed fuller transmission in my garage i have to do, did a duramax last week got another one in my driveway now that needs an injector. have to go tomorrow to a friends shop tomorrow and pull the cly head off a perkings engine thats in a chipper as he doesnt want to mess with that type stuff. did a clutch job tuesday and made 800.00 not bad for 6hrs worth of work.

found a building got myself and another tech who worked for me at my old place that will come so this is my plans.. i told my wife man this kinda of sucks i am 47 years old and i am back to doing what i did when i was in my 20's and 30's i dont want to be doing this with i am 60 but if i am atleast i will be doing it for me. already have alot of customer who will come with me some cant right now as they are with the county fire and emergency services and you have to be set up with them so once i open i am going after them. i have people from the next county or 2 who bring me stuff.. either it will work or it wont.. dont know it wont it has the last 2 times made others money why cant i do it for me........