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    1. #16
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      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      When I was with the dog pound the absolute worst attacks were from pits. Once they started they would not stop (bad owners 95% of the time)

      Jack russell terriers are fantastic dogs. But they need to be challenged and are bred to kill. (Like mm 76 said, mink rats, even foxes) We would get bites on peoples hands who reached down to pet the dog but the worst were kids. More face bites than any other dog i ever saw. I saw a bunch of kids that will have scars for life.

      My dog is dog aggressive but loves most people although it takes a while with kids for him to warm up.
      Jack Russell that one would kill a Raccoon by himself no problem, he is around 26lbs padderdale too any raccoon. Now my father was a farmer. The dogs were used to control these wild animals that would take over areas, destroy leaves, and kill other domestic ducks and make mess of all farm animals.
      They still are great companions but cannot be, or better kids can't be trusted with Jack Russell for sure. They will bite and shake and they are so muscled that they jolt entire body.
      These coons would bite them too, and coon and the fresh water otter the meanest in South....
      They bread these terriers to ride on horse back hunting foxes. The hounds would chase fox in hole. They would take that little dog off that horse and it would go into that hole. They bred true ground terriers so bold, and tough that nothing cared if a pack of hounds and hunters were outside that hole. The fox or whatever wasn't gonna stay and die in that hole. They have docked tale and cut ears to help with not being biten in tight quarters. The Jack Russell had ears not cut because they flopped over eyes when pushed by ground above protecting eyes... all true. In reality a Jack Russell has "Boldest" temperament of almost any breed from this!!!

      Get a rat terrier for kids, never chose the Jack Russell unless u are more than experienced dog owner. Their prey drive is real!!!

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      huge props to you szone. i own red nose pits and have for over 20years. at one time i had 8 now i only have 3. some of the comments on here are correct there are to many dumb asses out there who breed or own these great dogs..i wont own anything other dog thats just me.

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      MM76, jack russels are awesome dogs. They have energy for DAYS and like you said are SUPER powerful pound for pound.

      Again fellas, I have no prob with pits. But do not stick your head in the sand and say they are great dogs for everyone. They are powerful and need a lot of exercise. If not socialized and trained properly it is like a toddler with a .357 mag. That is why they have a bad rep. Not good responsible owners that train and care for their dogs and understand what it takes to own a bully breed dog.

      apbt i second your agreement. Too many people breed indiscriminately and without proper care. And then there is one type of person who buys these dogs who is unfit to own one. They macho wanna be thug. they need a loving home, lots of "work" (hard play), socialization, and discipline. With these they can flourish as a loving member of a household and be great pets.
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    4. #19
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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      There were a lot of dogs being killed for pathetic reasons. One dog, its owner died, so the shelter placed the dog with a new owner who had a cat inthe house, well, the dog had never seen a cat and killed the cat. The guy took the dog back to teh shelter and said "This dog killed my cat" what do you think the shelter did? they took the dog straight in the back and killed him immediately. They could haved placed him in a good home without any cats but choose to kill a perfectly great dog in the prime of his life.
      So when we got that woman, who ran the shelter like a death camp, we got her canned and replaced. She had a $150,000 a year job with a $20,000 a year xmas bonus. She was on the tv news crying the night we got her ass thrown out. Guess what? She got hired by another shelter that is also a high kill shelter.
      Now that she is gone as the shelter manager, I have spoken to many employees who worked a the shelter when they were murdering dogs by the truckload. They said that they never once ever saw that old manager pet a dog. Not once in like 20 years. They said she really did not like animals. Past employees told me that on days when she came to work in a grumpy mood, more dogs were going to die that day. That is what we were up against. It was a brutal fight to the end but we won and stopped the killing of perfectly healthy and adoptable dogs.
      All the employees who stayed on under the new management are praising the new atmosphere. Many employees lives were traumatized when they were forced to kill dogs that they had fallen in love with in the shelter. They said it is fun now to go to work. They are doubling the adoption rate so they dont get overcrowded and they only put a dog down unless its sick or extremely aggressive beyond help. The old shelter was constantly fighting against the citizens and were total assholes and refused to stop killing. They killed dogs for tearing up stuffed animals. I shit you not. So if you have a dog that likes to rip up stuffed animals, if it got into that old shelter, it would be put to death for it
      Last edited by Dzone; 02-28-2019 at 06:04 PM.

    5. #20
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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      There were a lot of dogs being killed for pathetic reasons. One dog, its owner died, so the shelter placed the dog with a new owner who had a cat inthe house, well, the dog had never seen a cat and killed the cat. The guy took the dog back to teh shelter and said "This dog killed my cat" what do you think the shelter did? they took the dog straight in the back and killed him immediately. They could haved placed him in a good home without any cats but choose to kill a perfectly great dog in the prime of his life.
      So when we got that woman, who ran the shelter like a death camp, we got her canned and replaced. She had a $150,000 a year job with a $20,000 a year xmas bonus. She was on the tv news crying the night we got her ass thrown out. Guess what? She got hired by another shelter that is also a high kill shelter.
      Now that she is gone as the shelter manager, I have spoken to many employees who worked a the shelter when they were murdering dogs by the truckload. They said that they never once ever saw that old manager pet a dog. Not once in like 20 years. They said she really did not like animals. Past employees told me that on days when she came to work in a grumpy mood, more dogs were going to die that day. That is what we were up against. It was a brutal fight to the end but we won and stopped the killing of perfectly healthy and adoptable dogs.
      All the employees who stayed on under the new management are praising the new atmosphere. Many employees lives were traumatized when they were forced to kill dogs that they had fallen in love with in the shelter. They said it is fun now to go to work. They are doubling the adoption rate so they dont get overcrowded and they only put a dog down unless its sick or extremely aggressive beyond help. The old shelter was constantly fighting against the citizens and were total assholes and refused to stop killing. They killed dogs for tearing up stuffed animals. I shit you not. So if you have a dog that likes to rip up stuffed animals, if it got into that old shelter, it would be put to death for it

      You couldn't ask for a better outcome really. The one responsible was the only one canned and everyone else that was just following orders just to keep food on their tables got to keep their jobs which actually improved. And best of all those awesome creatures get another chance at having a loving family. Good job D.

    6. #21
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      That is good man. Most dogs deserve a shot. There are fairly hopeless cases but for the most part not many. Our shelter here is almost no kill. Makes me happy. I go once a month with the wife and we volunteer and walk dogs. I think it is important for their mental state to get out of the kennels. Wish I could do it more but luckily there are a lot of volunteers.
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    7. #22
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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      There were a lot of dogs being killed for pathetic reasons. One dog, its owner died, so the shelter placed the dog with a new owner who had a cat inthe house, well, the dog had never seen a cat and killed the cat. The guy took the dog back to teh shelter and said "This dog killed my cat" what do you think the shelter did? they took the dog straight in the back and killed him immediately. They could haved placed him in a good home without any cats but choose to kill a perfectly great dog in the prime of his life.
      So when we got that woman, who ran the shelter like a death camp, we got her canned and replaced. She had a $150,000 a year job with a $20,000 a year xmas bonus. She was on the tv news crying the night we got her ass thrown out. Guess what? She got hired by another shelter that is also a high kill shelter.
      Now that she is gone as the shelter manager, I have spoken to many employees who worked a the shelter when they were murdering dogs by the truckload. They said that they never once ever saw that old manager pet a dog. Not once in like 20 years. They said she really did not like animals. Past employees told me that on days when she came to work in a grumpy mood, more dogs were going to die that day. That is what we were up against. It was a brutal fight to the end but we won and stopped the killing of perfectly healthy and adoptable dogs.
      All the employees who stayed on under the new management are praising the new atmosphere. Many employees lives were traumatized when they were forced to kill dogs that they had fallen in love with in the shelter. They said it is fun now to go to work. They are doubling the adoption rate so they dont get overcrowded and they only put a dog down unless its sick or extremely aggressive beyond help. The old shelter was constantly fighting against the citizens and were total assholes and refused to stop killing. They killed dogs for tearing up stuffed animals. I shit you not. So if you have a dog that likes to rip up stuffed animals, if it got into that old shelter, it would be put to death for it

      sorry that person lost there cat but that is a dog just being a dog. its like i get a cat and it kills my bird. duh thats a cat being a cat..

    8. #23
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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      MM76, jack russels are awesome dogs. They have energy for DAYS and like you said are SUPER powerful pound for pound.

      Again fellas, I have no prob with pits. But do not stick your head in the sand and say they are great dogs for everyone. They are powerful and need a lot of exercise. If not socialized and trained properly it is like a toddler with a .357 mag. That is why they have a bad rep. Not good responsible owners that train and care for their dogs and understand what it takes to own a bully breed dog.

      apbt i second your agreement. Too many people breed indiscriminately and without proper care. And then there is one type of person who buys these dogs who is unfit to own one. They macho wanna be thug. they need a loving home, lots of "work" (hard play), socialization, and discipline. With these they can flourish as a loving member of a household and be great pets.
      i agree jipped i love pits and wouldnt have any other type of dog. they are the right dog for me but like you said i play with them and let them run as they are full of energy. also my dogs are outside when i am outside and my yard is fully fenced. my dogs arent outside alone for 5 mins. i know what i have i have a dog with a very large prey drive and they are my dogs so it is up to me to look after them to make sure they arent running neighborhood.

      and i agree pits are not for everyone people need to know what they are getting and i will say alot of people have them shouldnt. if you live in apartment then sorry a pit is not the right dog for you you are asking for trouble. i bred and sold some of my pits when i had 8 and there were some people i wouldnt sell a dog. for me it was my dog going to the right house not the money the pup would bring. i wasnt going to be part of the problem..

      i got my red nose pits from a guy from western MI. who's been breeding these dogs since 1969..

      i DO NOT agree to put the dog down because its a pit. i rescued a red nose pit who was very aggressive not with me because i cracked her in the head but i didnt trust her and took her and had her put down as i couldnt put her in a home and then hear back because she bit someones kid. like i said she was very aggressive

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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      apbt, you said it with "high prey drive". Most terriers, bully breeds, many working dogs such as German shepherds. They all have a high prey drive and can make WONDERFUL pets but need an owner like you my friend. I appreciate your dedication.
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      the problem is simple. Idiot pos asswipes get pits and other animals for the status and not for family. My cat carries a status and I could give 2 shits. He is most def a member of my fam and I treat him as such.

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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by DethKlok View Post
      the problem is simple. Idiot pos asswipes get pits and other animals for the status and not for family. My cat carries a status and I could give 2 shits. He is most def a member of my fam and I treat him as such.
      that and they dont think about what it is to take care of such animal especially a pit then the next thing you know they let it run the neighborhood of drop it off at the pound or breed the shit out of them and sell the pups trying to make money.

      i am with you my dogs are a part of my family. my old female i had was the first red nose pit i got and i had both of her knees replaced because tore them most people would have put her down.

      when she was 5 the guy i got her from wasnt breeding that blood any more and everybody wanted that blood line i had people calling me asking if i had pups off of her which i didnt and then they offered up to 8k for her. told them nope sorry she's not for sale dont care what kind of money you offer. i dont need or want 8k or more as i can make money but cant replace her..

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      Quote Originally Posted by apbt549 View Post
      that and they dont think about what it is to take care of such animal especially a pit then the next thing you know they let it run the neighborhood of drop it off at the pound or breed the shit out of them and sell the pups trying to make money.

      i am with you my dogs are a part of my family. my old female i had was the first red nose pit i got and i had both of her knees replaced because tore them most people would have put her down.

      when she was 5 the guy i got her from wasnt breeding that blood any more and everybody wanted that blood line i had people calling me asking if i had pups off of her which i didnt and then they offered up to 8k for her. told them nope sorry she's not for sale dont care what kind of money you offer. i dont need or want 8k or more as i can make money but cant replace her..
      every creature has this special personality that's unique to them. Have you looked into pet insurance? its worth every penny esp as they age imo.

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      Quote Originally Posted by DethKlok View Post
      every creature has this special personality that's unique to them. Have you looked into pet insurance? its worth every penny esp as they age imo.
      no i havent looked into it. i might check it out as i have 3 now. one female and 2 males.. worth a looking into

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