MM76, jack russels are awesome dogs. They have energy for DAYS and like you said are SUPER powerful pound for pound.

Again fellas, I have no prob with pits. But do not stick your head in the sand and say they are great dogs for everyone. They are powerful and need a lot of exercise. If not socialized and trained properly it is like a toddler with a .357 mag. That is why they have a bad rep. Not good responsible owners that train and care for their dogs and understand what it takes to own a bully breed dog.

apbt i second your agreement. Too many people breed indiscriminately and without proper care. And then there is one type of person who buys these dogs who is unfit to own one. They macho wanna be thug. they need a loving home, lots of "work" (hard play), socialization, and discipline. With these they can flourish as a loving member of a household and be great pets.