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      We had a municipal shelter here that had the highest kill rate in the state. I went there one day and asked to adopt a 5 month old pitbull puppy and was told "No, you cant have that puppy, shes dangerous and we are going to euthanize her". I got 3 news reporters to show up and cover the story and I got the puppy out and got the entire shelter shut down over it. They were killing any dog that even looked slightly pitbull.

      We got all the people thrown out and brought in new management. Now it is a NO KILL shelter. No more killing. Had I not walked in there that day, they wopuld still be killing puppies.

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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      We had a municipal shelter here that had the highest kill rate in the state. I went there one day and asked to adopt a 5 month old pitbull puppy and was told "No, you cant have that puppy, shes dangerous and we are going to euthanize her". I got 3 news reporters to show up and cover the story and I got the puppy out and got the entire shelter shut down over it. They were killing any dog that even looked slightly pitbull.

      We got all the people thrown out and brought in new management. Now it is a NO KILL shelter. No more killing. Had I not walked in there that day, they wopuld still be killing puppies.
      Great news - great job

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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      that's awesome dzone. i wouldnt own one because of the insurance liability but it is all in the owner of any animal in how they behave. not to mention even the best trained dog can and will bite under certain circumstances and it's not always the animals fault.
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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Here is one of Michael Vicks fighting Pitbulls named Meryl. Out of 22 Pits taken from Vick, all but 3 were saved and placed with families

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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Here is one of Michael Vicks fighting Pitbulls named Meryl. Out of 22 Pits taken from Vick, all but 3 were saved and placed with families
      they should have feed his little punk ass to them and then rehabbed them up for rehoming. just goes to show that you can fix them even when they are totally jacked the majority of the time. a buddy of mine trains them and loves the breed. i like the american bull dog regular english bull dogs bull terriers and dobes. those are my favorite. my neighbor across the street just got some kind of short haired mountain dog that looks like a mastiff but is bigger than a great dane. she is still a puppy too haha. dogs are awesome
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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      It's the owners not the breed... and any breed or Mix can take over owner...

      Always teach dog to lay and show belly... always control food. Put it out give opportunity to eat controlled portion 2x a day with adult dog... 3x till 6 months... pick up food after a few minutes in not ate... sure a snack good between meals.
      Always let dog any dog know u can take their food while they eating it if u want too. A dog that will not allow that... needs work.
      Always walk dog on leash in control while socializing and meeting new dogs or people. Expose them to as much contact as possible!!!
      I have saved many dogs and can break any dog of aggression with a little time!!!

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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      We had a pit when our son was born. they were best friends but change the criteria just a little to SERIOUS bites and pits do top the list.

      It is just due to several factors.

      1. Stupid people get pits because they think they are cool and have no idea how to raise a dog. A neglected dog has a high propensity to be bad.
      2. When a pit does bite it causes WAY more damage than a cocker spaniel
      3 lack of socialization self explanatory
      4 people get them and stick them in a back yard with no stimulation other than people walking by their territory. Makes them very territorial which leads to attacks
      5 there are a lot of pits and pit mixes out there,you do not see many bites from chinese crested dogs because there are not many. more dogs more reported bites. wolf hybris might be at the top if we go by averages.

      That said i love pits. But When I was in college I worked as a dog catcher and i did bite reports. The worst i saw were almost always from a pit. especially kids. (Chows and jack Russel terriers were also bad biters)

      Summary: In the 13-year period of January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2017, canines killed at least 433 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% of these deaths. Rottweilers, the second leading canine killer, inflicted 10% of attacks that resulted in human death. Combined, two dog breeds accounted for 76% of the total recorded deaths. [Table 1]

      This report examines the breeds of dogs involved in fatal attacks on humans, age groups and genders of the victims, the number of dogs involved, family and dog relationships, property statistics, household and time factors, criminal prosecutions following lethal dog attacks and states with the most occurrences. This report also examines the changing metrics in U.S. fatal dog attacks since the CDC last examined this issue.
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    8. #8
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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      We had a pit when our son was born. they were best friends but change the criteria just a little to SERIOUS bites and pits do top the list.

      It is just due to several factors.

      1. Stupid people get pits because they think they are cool and have no idea how to raise a dog. A neglected dog has a high propensity to be bad.
      2. When a pit does bite it causes WAY more damage than a cocker spaniel
      3 lack of socialization self explanatory
      4 people get them and stick them in a back yard with no stimulation other than people walking by their territory. Makes them very territorial which leads to attacks
      5 there are a lot of pits and pit mixes out there,you do not see many bites from chinese crested dogs because there are not many. more dogs more reported bites. wolf hybris might be at the top if we go by averages.

      That said i love pits. But When I was in college I worked as a dog catcher and i did bite reports. The worst i saw were almost always from a pit. especially kids. (Chows and jack Russel terriers were also bad biters)

      Summary: In the 13-year period of January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2017, canines killed at least 433 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% of these deaths. Rottweilers, the second leading canine killer, inflicted 10% of attacks that resulted in human death. Combined, two dog breeds accounted for 76% of the total recorded deaths. [Table 1]

      This report examines the breeds of dogs involved in fatal attacks on humans, age groups and genders of the victims, the number of dogs involved, family and dog relationships, property statistics, household and time factors, criminal prosecutions following lethal dog attacks and states with the most occurrences. This report also examines the changing metrics in U.S. fatal dog attacks since the CDC last examined this issue.
      I raised many Jack Russels and rat terrier and padderdale terriers.
      We raised them to kill Mink, musk rats, possums, and racoons!!! They also lived in house actually 3 of them live in my parents house because they live a good 18 years... they are prolly around 12 years those last 3.
      We taught them to leave cats alone and they will chase them but never bit or killed any cats. It's the strays they chase!! But they will sleep with cats the family pet cats they know!!
      The Jack Russell is protective and will scare the sh8t out of anyone new a visitor etc... but not bite and calm down when he sees it's cool. He is Bolder than other 2 breeds we have. He has bit my uncle talking with hand motions to my dad because of loud engine running. He never bit anyone again but he thought they were fighting and my uncle is a stranger!! He comes 1x per 2 years maybe to their house.

      Now kids are the problem, the rat terrier no issues with any kid and will only grasp and pinch a kid if is in wrong. Rat terrier 15lbs...

      The other 2 will are 20-26lbs. They will stand and push a kid down and show teeth but it's cause kids not used to dogs and hurting the dogs each time. And the jerky movements of kids they don't not like at all. We watch kids around dogs but the dogs we never had to watch...

      Anyway alot of kids should not be allowed around most dogs unsupervised because it's often I have seen the kids behavior is unpredictable by the dog and they can bite because of it.

      So with kids and dogs.... kids gotta learn and be raised around the dog without possession type behavior from the dog. Kids should not be left around any dog because of there hyper, jerky movements.
      All dogs need to be approached the right way until they at least get to know someone and get secure with them.

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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      my mini pin will eat someone up. he is mean as all hell and we cant break him. my strong man buddy chased him around when he was a puppy and now we cant break him from biting people. so we have to put him in his kennel whenever anyone comes by. he is a hell of a guard dog for a little guy though haha. he is a sneaky little bastard too. only person i have ever seen him bring blood on was the same dude though. he will run around hair standing on end growing pissed off as all hell for 20 mins after he leaves the house
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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      my mini pin will eat someone up. he is mean as all hell and we cant break him. my strong man buddy chased him around when he was a puppy and now we cant break him from biting people. so we have to put him in his kennel whenever anyone comes by. he is a hell of a guard dog for a little guy though haha. he is a sneaky little bastard too. only person i have ever seen him bring blood on was the same dude though. he will run around hair standing on end growing pissed off as all hell for 20 mins after he leaves the house
      I used those collars, as seen on tv.... a perfect dog. It has directions and video.
      The Jack Russell now parents have was my nephews dog and he was not socialized and hit by a truck and rolled under trailer. That freaked him out. No broken bones but vet stay for 1 week.

      Anyway I used to live next door on same property but moved and dogs stayed... before they were back and forth at both houses.

      But the Jack Russell came a long ways. Using perfect dog and dog whisper strategy!!! It's all about leading the pack and walking them on leash controlling them in those ways...

      Fixed brothers little Chiqwawa <Lol my spelling. Dog came for weekend they went out of town. He was different dog since... alot of small dogs get babied too much and have someone who saves them. Those usually bite people who approach or leaving..

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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by Musclemechanic76 View Post
      I used those collars, as seen on tv.... a perfect dog. It has directions and video.
      The Jack Russell now parents have was my nephews dog and he was not socialized and hit by a truck and rolled under trailer. That freaked him out. No broken bones but vet stay for 1 week.

      Anyway I used to live next door on same property but moved and dogs stayed... before they were back and forth at both houses.

      But the Jack Russell came a long ways. Using perfect dog and dog whisper strategy!!! It's all about leading the pack and walking them on leash controlling them in those ways...

      Fixed brothers little Chiqwawa <Lol my spelling. Dog came for weekend they went out of town. He was different dog since... alot of small dogs get babied too much and have someone who saves them. Those usually bite people who approach or leaving..

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      yep mine is a sneaky little bastard. he will charge and nip then retreat when someone is facing him and then as soon as they turn around he is all over the ankles. it's actually funny because he really cant hurt you to bad and we dont let him out unless it's a woman. he doesnt bother ladies at all. he is def a piece of work and lots of entertainment.
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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      yep mine is a sneaky little bastard. he will charge and nip then retreat when someone is facing him and then as soon as they turn around he is all over the ankles. it's actually funny because he really cant hurt you to bad and we dont let him out unless it's a woman. he doesnt bother ladies at all. he is def a piece of work and lots of entertainment.
      Lol!!! It's those little ones that think they 10 foot tall and bullet proof... or can get under couch to hide. Lol

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      Default Re: Pitbulls

      It’s very sad man we deal with this a ton in AZ...mostly because Mexicans bread the fuck out of these dogs and there are way too many. It’s so sad, so many good dogs too. Believe it or not in AZ we still have dog fighting, shoot even cock fighting. I think these fuckers who do the fighting should be thrown into a pig farm alive to be eaten piece by pierce by the pigs...pure evil.

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      You are doing great things, Dzone.
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      When I was with the dog pound the absolute worst attacks were from pits. Once they started they would not stop (bad owners 95% of the time)

      Jack russell terriers are fantastic dogs. But they need to be challenged and are bred to kill. (Like mm 76 said, mink rats, even foxes) We would get bites on peoples hands who reached down to pet the dog but the worst were kids. More face bites than any other dog i ever saw. I saw a bunch of kids that will have scars for life.

      My dog is dog aggressive but loves most people although it takes a while with kids for him to warm up.
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