Im a political conservative and I respect freedom of religion, but to use government to force your religion on people like Sessions and Whitaker want to do is bullshit. This is 100% wrong and against the constitution of the US:
"Whitaker attacked the idea that judges should have a secular outlook and implied that only certain types of Christians are qualified to sit on the bench.

“If they have a secular worldview, then I’m going to be very concerned about how they judge…,” Whitaker said. “[W]hat I would like to see, I’d like to see things like their worldview, what informs them. Are they people of faith? Do they have a biblical view of justice?”

Whitaker added that judges’ worldview should be grounded in the New Testament, asserting, “And what I know is as long as they have that worldview, that they’ll be a good judge. And if they have a secular worldview, where this is all we have here on Earth, then I’m going to be very concerned about that judge.”