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    Thread: Just got back from FL

    1. #16
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      • Just got back from FL
      • Just got back from FL
      OK I hope to make another trip in a couple of weeks. I hope to get in contact with you guns and you apb to distribute the stuff where needed. Does that sound good to you guys?

    2. #17
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      Default Re: Just got back from FL

      Bam! Way to go!

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    3. #18
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      Default Re: Just got back from FL

      Quote Originally Posted by dirtwarrior View Post
      OK I hope to make another trip in a couple of weeks. I hope to get in contact with you guns and you apb to distribute the stuff where needed. Does that sound good to you guys?
      man i am not in fl. i am in nc, so we are pretty good now for the most part. my area is 100% back to normal. some of the other areas are still messed up but the infrastructure is repaired now. i dont know about the pan handle though. i would get up with one of the groups like samartain's purse or the vet group that stays in the areas until everything and everyone is taken care of
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    4. #19
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      Default Re: Just got back from FL

      dw i am in sw fla.. I am i bet 6-8 hrs away from where the hurricane hit. we had no issues down where i am at from this hurricane. but i agree with what guns said i would think they would need canned foods and maybe water.. i will say this state does a pretty good job getting things moving again..

      i know last year when imra hit there was highway patrol escorting gas tankers down the interstate. right after the hurricane gas was the hottest thing. i was at the gas station 4 days after the hurricane by my house they got opened back up and i got there to get diesel for my truck and 6 five gallon gas cans filled up when i got there early in the morining there was no one there after i was there doing this there was a line of 6 cars wanting gas. there was a guy there who had to shut the pumps down after i was done he said because there was a fuel leak and it didnt get checked after the repair so he was going to shut it down after i was done. i was like seriously he said yes i told him i would hang out with him he said if you dont mind the day before he had to call LE and they tazed 2 guys and pepper sprayed another one bc he had to shut the pumps down to check repairs. i dont know how it was where guns was but some people lost there minds...

    5. #20
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      Default Re: Just got back from FL

      I live in the disaster zone of hurricane michael, I was extremely fortunate that I did not loose my house. We only had a few squares of shingles torn off but no water penetrated. I fled the area just hours before the storm hit and returned while winds were still blowing on tail end of storm to look for friends who I know stayed which was not easy because of all the downed trees,power lines and debris. I cant begin to describe how devastating the storm was to this area most roads were completely unpassable and power grid was completely destroyed. We went without water and power for a couple of weeks but the emergency response effort was nothing short of amazing. By 6am the day after the storm the in bound highway was tractor trailers as far as the eye could see pouring into the area. Things were tough to endure but the abundance of resources available definitely made things much easier to live through. Thank you to any and all here who have donated or helped with recovery process.
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    6. #21
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      Default Re: Just got back from FL

      Hey Big Blue I am glad you made as well as you did.

    7. #22
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      Default Re: Just got back from FL

      Quote Originally Posted by apbt549 View Post
      dw i am in sw fla.. I am i bet 6-8 hrs away from where the hurricane hit. we had no issues down where i am at from this hurricane. but i agree with what guns said i would think they would need canned foods and maybe water.. i will say this state does a pretty good job getting things moving again..

      i know last year when imra hit there was highway patrol escorting gas tankers down the interstate. right after the hurricane gas was the hottest thing. i was at the gas station 4 days after the hurricane by my house they got opened back up and i got there to get diesel for my truck and 6 five gallon gas cans filled up when i got there early in the morining there was no one there after i was there doing this there was a line of 6 cars wanting gas. there was a guy there who had to shut the pumps down after i was done he said because there was a fuel leak and it didnt get checked after the repair so he was going to shut it down after i was done. i was like seriously he said yes i told him i would hang out with him he said if you dont mind the day before he had to call LE and they tazed 2 guys and pepper sprayed another one bc he had to shut the pumps down to check repairs. i dont know how it was where guns was but some people lost there minds...
      yeah man, same thing here. people just dont know how to act and blame the workers for the issues that they have no control over. it's insane
      TGBSupplements REP


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    8. #23
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      • Just got back from FL
      • Just got back from FL
      • Just got back from FL
      • Just got back from FL
      • Just got back from FL
      Quote Originally Posted by Blueedge View Post
      I live in the disaster zone of hurricane michael, I was extremely fortunate that I did not loose my house. We only had a few squares of shingles torn off but no water penetrated. I fled the area just hours before the storm hit and returned while winds were still blowing on tail end of storm to look for friends who I know stayed which was not easy because of all the downed trees,power lines and debris. I cant begin to describe how devastating the storm was to this area most roads were completely unpassable and power grid was completely destroyed. We went without water and power for a couple of weeks but the emergency response effort was nothing short of amazing. By 6am the day after the storm the in bound highway was tractor trailers as far as the eye could see pouring into the area. Things were tough to endure but the abundance of resources available definitely made things much easier to live through. Thank you to any and all here who have donated or helped with recovery process.
      glad you made it thru ok.. i agree to me the state of fla gets things moving pretty good...we had convoys of line trucks here the next morning last year.. it was insane how some people are. all of the street lights were out so you treat them like a 4 way stop. not these dumbass's i live around they would just blow thru them mean while on a side street a convoy of line trucks were trying to get on the main road but couldnt because no would stop for them. i stopped and stayed stopped and finally others did the same thing so they could go to work. i was like lets be dicks to those who came down to help us thats a great idea

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