I do not understand how the left cannot see the damage that this can and will potentially do to the USA.

1. These people have NO background checks, it is not just families but a large % are young men. Many are criminals.

2. In a flood of thousands it is easy to smuggle illegal contraband across the border.

3. Strain on the medical system. Who pays for these people? You do.

4. Most are uneducated and have no skills. So unskilled jobs are gobbled up by illegals who do them for pennies on the dollar driving DOWN wages as employers can get cheaper labor. (These dummies still want a $15 minimum wage while simultaneously driving the wage lower by wanting more illegals.) Remember the 80s? I live in Texas and we are pretty close to even with white folk and Hispanic folk. Was not like that in the 80s. A man could work a construction job and get a nice paycheck to support his family and benefits. Well illegals destroyed that.

5. Something I see in my job is a person will buy a house that needs remodel and instead of fix it up they rent it as a slum lord to a group of 12-16 illegals. All of the sudden a house that is an eyesore already gets junk cars and beer bottles in the yard driving down property values and quality of living while these folk are being taken advantage of by this scum bag slum lord.