Read about it...good stuff. Trying to teach my daughter to thump,lol. Come on...the gorillas do it

5 Benefits Of Thumping Your Thymus

The thymus gland is behind the top of your breastbone (sternum) and is responsible for producing mature white blood cells which fight the common cold as well as infections and serious diseases; it has a major impact on your immune system.
Performing the thymus thump helps to stimulate the thymus gland and keep this critical gland at peak performance.
It is said the thymus thump helps to release fear as well. Perhaps that’s why gorillas pound their chest, to show that they’re not afraid.

  1. Release fear.
  2. Increase your life force energy.
  3. Increase strength.
  4. Increase vitality.
  5. Strengthen your immune system.

It’s recommended that we perform the thymus thump 1-3 times daily.
This is how I do it:

  • I normally start with one deep breath.
  • Make a fist with your thumb against the outside of your index finger.
  • Gently strike your sternum with the inside of your closed fist.
  • This creates a vibration which will stimulate your thymus gland.
  • Rapidly but gently thump your sternum from 60 – 100 times in about 30 seconds or so.
  • Then I say “I am thankful (or grateful) for my healthy, stimulated and active thymus gland and all of its benefits” as I place my open hand on my chest over my thymus gland, palm down.

To your health,
Randall Monk