Quote Originally Posted by apbt549 View Post
these are all things todays kids dont know about... its funny how simple life was.. growing up my dad always had big cars since they would car pool to the oil rig which always out in the woods some where. one old car he had growing up was a 62 caddy we went to the drive in movie theater you guys remember those? hung the speaker on your window? i remember that back seat of the car was so big it was my brother and me and a couple friends and we had plenty of room
yessir, drive in movies. the one i went to growing up still has the screen platform up. it's grown up and not used any more but it's still there. we would go in my parents or grand parents truck and lay in the bed of the truck. one of the old towns we drive through on our way home to visit still has an open active drive in haha. it's near mayberry nc lmao