Quote Originally Posted by Torres View Post
I've been seeing more and more people talk about CBD Oil and how it helps in so many ways.
With there being so many places producing this product that I wonder what's the best option ?
One of my clients is an aroma therapist and the other day she was talking about the same thing, how this is blowing up. To help with your question one thing to look for she told me is where is it made at, you do not want to buy anything from China or mexico, look for the CBD coming from Colorado and also the MG's. She proceeded to tell me this is doing so well and will grow and grow and invited me tobecome a seller for a company she works for. I have not committed to anything as of yet the company is a new and upcoming one named N8Essentials. You can't buy from them now, only from their sellers. Your welcome to Google the company and read about them, and if anyone is interested shoot me a PM and I point to the right direction.

** What caught my full attention is when she told me her husband has dealt with pain for 25 years and now is pain free.

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