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    Thread: Prison reality shows

    1. #16
      Dzone's Avatar
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      • Prison reality shows
      Ya, seems weird getting into the prison biz to make money. But the USA incarcerates more people than any other country, even china and north korea dont imprison as many of their people as we do

    2. #17
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: Prison reality shows

      Quote Originally Posted by DethKlok View Post
      I wonder if private ownership of prisons by corporations are a good thing or bad thing....?
      Good and bad IMO


      They are far more efficient than if the government ran it.
      Less cost to the taxpayer than a Gov run jail.
      Better accountability.


      The prison workers union is an advocate for stricter laws, especially druq offenses. (they are the biggest lobby against legalization of weed)
      union workers cost more and tend to be less effective and productive as their non-union counterparts this reduces savings to tax payers (I was a Teamster #767 for years and saw it first hand)
      It is about profit and not people. There is more emphasis on incarceration and less on treatment and or rehabilitation as they want more people in prison = profit. (These programs cut down on re-offending rates by 33%)
      poor working conditions for employees at privatized prisons. Less guards per inmate for more profits.

      Anyway, do your research and make your decision. Personally I think there is no need for unions any more. Have a buddy works at the GM plant in Arlington Tx. He installs windshields in SUVs all day long and get TOP NOTCH benefits and makes far more salary than me. hell all he really does is baby sit a machine that does the work. We joke about a trained chimp doing his job. Yes. anecdotal.

      No offense to my union friends. I understand, just like my buddy, if you got that gig you are going to hang onto it and it benefits you.
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    3. #18
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Prison reality shows

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      • Prison reality shows
      • Prison reality shows
      • Prison reality shows
      • Prison reality shows
      • Prison reality shows
      • Prison reality shows
      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Ya, seems weird getting into the prison biz to make money. But the USA incarcerates more people than any other country, even china and north korea dont imprison as many of their people as we do
      yeah but then again those 2 countries execute people that break laws at the drop of a hat. motivates the population to follow the rules and keep their mouth shut and it is a shame.
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