My Cat is 17 and the last 6 months has had stage 3 kidney disease but baby1 and I have done a excellent job keeping her kidney levels perfect to keep her going for as long as we can and that can be for months or years. Last night had a scare ,she was trying to go #2 and couldnt and flopped to her side and popped and started walking into things. Well I thought the worse,.rushed her to the 24hr emergency vet Hospital they ran her tests and while trying to take blood they had to muzzle her because she was pissed and not in her regular state of mind. Well I guess her blood pressure had got to high the last week or 2 and it cause her to detach her retinas and now she cant see.. Ive never ever been attached to something like my cat,Im sure you guys have dogs but I have a Cat. So after all the tests everything came out great and after $500 later still dont know what was wrong with her but all her lood levels are good. Ive never ever had to put down a pet and Im not looking forward to doing this anytime soon.