I live out in the country away from the city but there has been a 60 acre youth detention facility about a half mile up the road from where I live. The kids there were some hard core teenage criminals that were one step away from prison. They were always escaping and you would see these kids running down the road all the time. Sometimes hiding in peoples garages, barns etc. Well, last year this facility got shut down after an investigation revealed some pretty sick and sadistic treatment of kids was going on there.
I was damn glad when they shut it down. No more escapees. Then last month they announced that the facility will be turned into a drug treatment center with some violent drug offenders being housed there. Needless to say, people who live around here were pissed. I was going to have to increase my surveillance cameras around my house. Maybe get some more attack dogs. Thank goodness they just announced the deal fell thru and the facility will remain abandoned.
People move away from the city to get away from that crap. Im keeping an eye on that place and will he ready to B***h if they try to house criminals there