I just want to start out saying I don't think I'm better than anyone else. But our gym purchased the member base of a lower end gym. You can definitely tell the difference of the members. I was kind of in the zone you know pressing 110 dumbbells, sweat on the bench and this young dude ask if I was done. When I said no, he then went to asking me how many sets I had left. Let alone there is another empty bench at the end of the dumbbell rack. I just looked at mine, looked at the one not being used and said yeah man. You can have this one and I will use the other one that's not being used. I'm normally laid back and helpful. I will work in or let others work in. But I never would have done what he did. I texted my wife because she was on her way and warned her. It didn't get much better as more of the new members arrived. I'm thinking it's time for me and a few close friends to rent a warehouse and start our own personal gym. Anyone else experience this. I felt like a high school bully at one point.... 😂