So we just found yet my cat after 16years has 1 bad kidney which is smaller and has kidney disease. Now we have to treat her every day 2x a day by givng her fluids 100ml 2x a day. Its just like at the hospital when we are dehydrated I have to stick a 20g needle in between her shoulder blades. It takes about 10 minutes to do.Then she has to take a pill 1x every 3 days to keep the naseua down so she eats,prevacid for her stomach and 1 other med and since we started this 2 days ago my baby is back to normal doing her daily usual things. Last week it was bad but we found out the why now and we have to give her medicine daily. The Doc dosnt know and didnt say how long my cat has to live but we will continue this protocall . Next week we go back for another blood work up and see how she responded. In 3 day visit with meds I'm $1600 in for my Cat.