It's a pretty funny story now. But at the time I was quite concerned and felt "dirty".

This story starts off alright: GG? and a bunch of his bro's out on a Friday night getting shit-faced at one of the local clubs.

Man! I was on fire! Beer was going down good and I was dancing up a storm... had to beat the girls off with a stick! Well.. as the night went on, I started getting pretty loaded. I met this chich who was from "out of town" and visiting for the weekend. I ended up taking this chick home and bumping uglies all night long.

Saturday morning wasn't even all that bad! A little awkward as I show her the front door and promise (yeah right) to give her a call sometime.

It was Saturday evening that all heck broke loose. You see, I had a big family reunion to go to that night. And yup, GUESS WHO'S THERE! I just about shit a brick! I couldn't effen believe my eyes.

So anyway. I pretty much avoided her the whole evening. But didn't get a wink of sleep that night. I literally felt upset to my stomache and felt "dirty" or something like that.

By the next morning I was sick with guilt so I went over for a visit to my Grandma's house to do some investigating. Turned out that even tho we were at the same family reunion, the girl and I are in no way related. PHEW!!!

That was one of the scariest 24hs I've ever lived through! And there you have it... damn close to going to hell!