Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
They even have commercials I see now for anti-depressants to add to your anti-depressants if the original isn't working well enough. Friggin insane. The side effect list for all of these is outrageous. It's amazing how people can look at all those side effects and actually think, "You know, I think I need that to help me feel better."
it's because our wussified society cant cope. they have a pill for a pill to help with the pill when you are down and out. no losers no conflict and safe spaces. we created the idea that you need this kind of garbage and it is causing some crazy stuff to happen as a side effect imo.
now i understand that their are some people that legitimately have brain imbalances that need certain things but they are the minority in these cases. hell i actually know a dude that once he retired and the docs figured his out, he is a great and successful individual. dude used to stay awake for days on end even while taking sleeping and crazy meds and do some really risky stuff. they figured it out and now he is 100% normal with no issues at all. so their is a small need in very small cases