This incredible ‘Vertical Forest’ is being built right now in Chinatower.jpgHow
do you combat the ills of poor air quality and pollution in a massive
city of over eight million people, where there’s hardly room to plant
new trees? You build a forest straight up into the sky. That’s the idea
behind the Nanjing Vertical Forest, which is scheduled to be fully
built by 2018, and will bring thousands of trees and shrubs into the
highly populated Pukou District of the city, absorbing tons of CO2 and
producing a wealth of oxygen at the same time.

by famed architect Stefano Boeri, the “forest” will actually be a pair
of towers absolutely covered in greenery. The taller of the two towers
will stand 200 meters high, with 35 floors, and will host everything
from a museum to a private club on its roof. The larger tower will even
feature an architecture school specializing in green building. The
smaller structure measures just over 100 meters tall and will be a Hyatt
hotel with nearly 250 guest rooms.
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Nanjing Vertical Forest isn’t just a night bit of eye candy, it’s also
extremely valuable from an environmental perspective. The structure will
have 1,100 large and medium-sized trees on its facades, along with
2,500 other plants and shrubs. The plants are expected to provide 60kg
of oxygen per day while absorbing over 25 tons of carbon dioxide every
isn’t the first vertical forest that Boeri has designed and built;
Milan, Italy, has its own pair of towers that resemble the planned
Nanjing structure. Construction began in 2009 and was completed in 2014,
and the buildings are now residential structures. However, the Nanjing
project is much larger in scale and ambition, more than doubling the
number of plants as well as increasing the total height of the towers