Many members have been with Fuzo here, since the beginning. Fuzo has now owned FitnessGeared for about 13 years. In the beginning I didn't see what all the excitement was about, plus my priorities were different then. Then one day I joined,and have been a huge part ever since. I have watched new forums pop up and some make it, and others don't. I have seen Fuzo go out, and look for good advertisers to bring here, to offer you all one place to come to for all your needs. I feel he is one of the leaders in this community. I have observed, and still do see, that when Fuzo makes a great change or adds a NEW advertiser that is no where else in the will start to see those same changes on other forums. Our new advertisers now also up on other forums. This is all part of being a good leader, and a fine compliment when you see others follow you! We couldn't be where we are without our dedicated Admin/ Mod team, who have also been with us for years.

Thanks for choosing FitnessGeared as part of your daily place to visit, and "Thank You" Fuzo for all you do here!

I believe in giving credit when it is due, and this time it just happens to be my hubby
